Pengaruh Kebijakan Pemerintah Dan Modal Sosial Terhadap Kinerja UMKM Se - Kabupaten Badung

  • Ida Ayu Bintang Puja Kusuma Sari Program Studi Akuntansi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Bisnis Dan Pariwisata
Keywords: government policy, social capital, MSME performance


This research aims to test and analyze empirically the influence of Government policy and social capital on the performance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The population used in this research were MSMEs in Badung Regency, totaling 1,367 MSMEs. The sampling method in this research uses a probability sampling method using a stratified random sampling technique. The minimum number of samples in this study was determined using the Slovin formula with an error rate of 10%, resulting in a sample of 93 respondents. The data collection method was carried out using a survey method by distributing research questionnaires to business actors. The research results show that the performance of MSMEs in Badung District is influenced by government policy, where the better the implementation of government policy towards micro, small and medium enterprises, the greater the increase in business performance. Another finding in this research is that social capital has a positive but not significant influence on the performance of MSMEs. It is suspected that the culture of cooperation between business actors has begun to erode, they tend to be more individualistic in building businesses and there is a lack of interaction between business actors and customers.




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How to Cite
Kusuma Sari, I. A. (2024). Pengaruh Kebijakan Pemerintah Dan Modal Sosial Terhadap Kinerja UMKM Se - Kabupaten Badung. Hita Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 5(3), 26-38.