Pengaruh Persepsi Kemudahan Dan Keamanan Terhadap Kepuasan Penggunaan Financial Technologi (Fintech) Peer To Peer (P2P) Lending Di Denpasar
Fintech, short for finanacial technology, is an industry that combines information technology with financial services to provide innovation in financial management and services, changing traditional ways of carrying out transactions, investments, loans and payments. Technical regulations from Bank Indonsia and the Finansial Servicis Authoryty, such as OJK Reglulation number. 77/POJK.01/2016 and Bank Indonesiaa Regulationn no. 19/12/PBI/2017, regulates fintech to facilitate healthy industry growth while protecting consumerss and thee stability of theh financisal system. This resarch aims to deterimine the influencee of perceived convenience and securiity on satissfaction with thae usse ofd financial technology (Fisntech) Pear To Peaer (P2p) Leending in Denpasar. The population for research is all Peer To Peer (P2p) Lending users in the city of Denpasar in 2022 totaling 164,896. The nuumber of sampeles in this studiy was 100 usingg the Slovvin forumula and tested usingg mulitiple linearr regresion analiysis technques.
Based on research, the conclusion is that the ease and security of using the P2P Lending application hass a significnt positivee infeluence on user satisfaction. Therefore, it is recommended that P2P Lending application developers continue to pay attention to and improve the ease and security of transactions for users. In addition, future research could involve other variables to further enrich understanding of the factors that influence user satisfaction, as well as conduct testing on different applications to gain a broader perspective.