• Made Novia Indriani Universitas Hindu Indonesia
  • I Made Harta Wijaya
  • Putut Dewantha Jenar Universitas Hindu Indonesia
Keywords: Eksistensi, Heritage, Gajah Mada


It is hoped that the existence of the Gajah Mada Heritage Area with reference to Mayor Regulation Number 60 of 2020 regarding the Gajah Mada Cultural Heritage Area is expected to be useful as an inventory of problems, obstacles, solutions, recommendations in carrying out these regulations whether these regulations have been implemented effectively and what factors are needed noticed. The method of obtaining data and information sourced from regional apparatus organizations, communities, stakeholders to obtain information, input, suggestions and opinions related to the application of these regional regulations by using the method of interviewing respondents who are considered to have an interest in relation to the Gajah Mada Cultural Heritage Area obtained information as following; (1) Preservation: the management has not been maximized in maintaining the existence of city heritage. (2) Protection: the occurrence of changes in function that cannot be handled optimally so that changes in function and form are either caused by human actions or due to natural processes. (3) Development: The lack of information related to the Gajah Mada Cultural Heritage Area so that the potential value, information and promotion cannot run properly, so the utilization is not through development actions and has not been able to regenerate important regional heritage (inheritance) values. (4) Utilization: the utilization of regional heritage (inheritance) has not been maximized so that it is felt that community welfare has not been fulfilled such as lack of promotion, the function of public facilities is not in accordance with its designation, the owner/manager is inconsistent in organizing the Gajah Mada Cultural Heritage Area. (5) Maintenance: the occurrence of damage to the area's heritage (inheritance) caused by human, natural and biological factors so that maximum care and preservation is needed, this has an impact on the reluctance of visitors/the public including tourists who want to know the existence of the Gajah Mada Cultural Conservation Area because convenience and security are still lacking.
