Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi <p>Jurnal Pranatacara Bhumandala merupakan jurnal ilmiah hasil penelitian mahasiswa, dosen maupun akademisi yang berkaitan dengan topik studi perkotaan (<em>urban studies</em>), pengembangan wilayah, infrastruktur, ruang dan budaya, permukiman, pariwisata dan perancangan kota. Jurnal ini diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun pada setiap bulan Juni dan Desember, oleh Program Studi Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hindu Indonesia. Setiap naskah yang diajukan akan melalui proses <em>review</em> oleh dua orang <em>reviewer</em>.</p> <p><strong><img src="/public/site/images/warimbawa/GoogleScholar22.jpg"></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US (Wahyudi Arimbawa, ST., M.Ars.) (I Komang Widanta Ruma, S.S.,M.Si.) Sun, 29 Dec 2024 03:38:07 +0000 OJS 60 POTENTIAL FOR FORMING CREATIVE ECONOMIC CLUSTERS BASED ON HOTSPOT ANALYSIS IN PRINGSEWU DISTRICT <p><em>Indonesia's wealth of natural resources makes Indonesia an agricultural country.</em><em> One of them is in Pringsewu Regency with the largest economic contribution coming from the agricultural sector. However, in the last 5 years, there has been a decline in the contribution of the agricultural sector to GRDP, necessitating other economic development alternatives. This condition demands the quality of human resources to produce processed activities of valuable products from the local potential of Pringsewu Regency. The emergence of creativity-based businesses is currently emerging in Pringsewu Regency, so it is necessary to develop creative economy-based businesses. In this article, cluster mapping was carried out using a Hot Spot Analysis approach for all creative economy business actors. This analysis shows the existence of the number and distribution of creative economy business actors clustered in Pringsewu Regency. The creative economy cluster in Pringsewu Regency is dominantly formed in Pagelaran, North Pagelaran and Gadingrejo Districts. The clusters formed in this research are craft sector clusters, music, fashion, snacks and other creative sectors. This research shows that there is a grouping of creative economic businesses occurring in Gadingrejo and Pagelaran Utara sub-districts, which are sub-districts outside the capital Pringsewu. The existence of creative economy business actors can be an alternative driving force for the economy in areas outside the capital Pringsewu.</em></p> <p><em>Keyword</em><em>s</em><em>: Cluster, Creative Economy, Hot Spot Analysis</em></p> Surya Tri Esthi Wira Hutama, Berliana Adinda, Baiq Rindang Aprildahani, Chrisna Trie Hadi Permana, Laila Kusuma Ditama Copyright (c) 2024 Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Sun, 29 Dec 2024 02:57:14 +0000 ANALISIS KETERSEDIAAN RTH DI JAKARTA BARAT SEBAGAI UPAYA DALAM MEREDUKSI EFEK URBAN HEAT ISLAND <h1>Sebagai pusat perekonomian, kota memiliki pengaruh yang kuat terhadap daerah sekitarnya. Meningkatnya aktivitas penduduk kota membutuhkan ruang yang tidak sedikit, sehingga menyulitkan dalam pengembangan RTH Perkotaan. Jakarta Barat mengalami pertumbuhan kota yang sangat cepat dan pola perkembangan perkotaan yang tidak teratur. Hal ini menyebabkan masalah seperti banjir, kemacetan, kurangnya pasokan air bersih, dan kekurangan ruang terbuka hijau di permukiman padat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis mengenai ketersediaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau di Jakarta Barat sebagai upaya dalam mereduksi efek Urban Heat Island dengan menggunakan data primer dan sekunder yang diperoleh dari beberapa responden. Berdasarkan data demografi, terdapat 60 responden (27) adalah wanita dan (33) responden adalah pria. Survey yang dilakukan pada masyarakat Jakarta Barat menunjukkan bahwa RTH yang dijadikan area wisata di Kota Jakarta Barat sudah berfungsi secara ekonomi. Hal ini memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat lokal dengan menciptakan lapangan kerja dan peluang bisnis baru. Hanya saja hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ruang terbuka hijau di Jakarta Barat masih kurang mencukupi kebutuhan masyarakat.</h1> Eka Fauziah Nurhikmah, Mirza Permana Copyright (c) 2024 Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Sun, 29 Dec 2024 02:59:21 +0000 KESESUAIAN PENGGUNAAN LAHAN PERMUKIMAN DENGAN RENCANA TATA RUANG WILAYAH DI PESISIR PULAU WANGI-WANGI KABUPATEN WAKATOBI <p>Bajo Mola Raya tribe settlement on Wangi-wangi Island, Wakatobi Regency is improving development that is not in accordance with spatial aspects. The research aimed to analyze the development of the existing residential land use in Mola Raya Area with the Regional Spatial Plan, to identify the factors causing the development of the residential land use in Mola Raya Area with the Regional Spatial Plan of Wakatobi Regency comprising the external and internal factors. The external factors included (a) the population growth; (b) community economy; and (c) community socio-culture, whereas the internal factors comprised: (d) supervision; (e) licensing; (f) control. The research used the map overlay technique. The analysis started from the results of digitalization on the screen of the google earth image in 2018. Then the overlay technique was then carried out using the residential area spatial pattern plan map of Wangi-Wangi Island, the descriptive method was used from FFA analysis result, interview, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The research result indicates that the development of the residential area which is not suitable with the Regional Spatial Plan is at Mola Utara Village with the congruity of 76,53%, Mola Nelayan Bakti Village with the congruity 76,87% on the residential area spatial pattern plan of Wangi-Wangi Island. Then the most influential factors on the residential development Bajo Mola Raya ethnic group indicate the factors of the population growth, community economy, and community culture. The internal factors indicate the lack of supervision, licensing, control from the regional government.</p> Sekar Alim Padar, Roland A. Barkey, Hazairin Zubair Copyright (c) 2024 Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Sun, 29 Dec 2024 03:00:51 +0000 PENGENDALIAN PEMANFAATAN RUANG PADA DAERAH TINGGI ANCAMAN GERAKAN TANAH BERBASIS GEOSPASIAL DI KELURAHAN AIR MANIS <p>Kelurahan Air Manis&nbsp; sebagian besar wilayahnya berada pada morfologi perbukitan di daerah pesisir pantai Kota Padang. Mulai awal tahun 2000-an mulai banyak terjadi longsoran akibat gerakan tanah.&nbsp; Berdasarkan RDTR Kota Padang 2023-2043, pada peta pola ruang menunjukan bahwa pada kawasan permukiman dan pariwisata berada pada daerah tinggi ancaman gerakan tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang pada daerah tinggi ancaman gerakan tanah dilakukan dengan analisis geospasial serta overlay menggunakan data pola ruang dengan penggunaan lahan eksisting dan nantinya kemampuan lahan, serta tingkat kerentanan gerakan tanah sebagai penguat dan perbandingan penetapan pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang tersebut. Hasil peneltian ini menunjukan bahwa Terdapat 17 blok tidak sesuai dari 62 blok kegiatan yang dimana pada 17 blok akan dilakukan penertiban berada pada zona/subzona pariwisata dan rimba kota. dan 45 blok akan dilakukan pengawasan berada pada zona/subzona perlindungan setempat, SPU skala Kelurahan, perumahan kepadatan sedang, dan kawasan pertahanan keamanan</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Abdul Rasyid Rabbani, Haryani Copyright (c) 2024 Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EKSISTENSI KAWASAN HERITAGE GAJAH MADA <p><em>It is hoped that the existence of the Gajah Mada Heritage Area with reference to Mayor Regulation Number 60 of 2020 regarding the Gajah Mada Cultural Heritage Area is expected to be useful as an inventory of problems, obstacles, solutions, recommendations in carrying out these regulations whether these regulations have been implemented effectively and what factors are needed noticed. The method of obtaining data and information sourced from regional apparatus organizations, communities, stakeholders to obtain information, input, suggestions and opinions related to the application of these regional regulations by using the method of interviewing respondents who are considered to have an interest in relation to the Gajah Mada Cultural Heritage Area obtained information as following; (1) Preservation: the management has not been maximized in maintaining the existence of city heritage. (2) Protection: the occurrence of changes in function that cannot be handled optimally so that changes in function and form are either caused by human actions or due to natural processes. (3) Development: The lack of information related to the Gajah Mada Cultural Heritage Area so that the potential value, information and promotion cannot run properly, so the utilization is not through development actions and has not been able to regenerate important regional heritage (inheritance) values. (4) Utilization: the utilization of regional heritage (inheritance) has not been maximized so that it is felt that community welfare has not been fulfilled such as lack of promotion, the function of public facilities is not in accordance with its designation, the owner/manager is inconsistent in organizing the Gajah Mada Cultural Heritage Area. (5) Maintenance: the occurrence of damage to the area's heritage (inheritance) caused by human, natural and biological factors so that maximum care and preservation is needed, this has an impact on the reluctance of visitors/the public including tourists who want to know the existence of the Gajah Mada Cultural Conservation Area because convenience and security are still lacking.</em></p> Made Novia Indriani, I Made Harta Wijaya, Putut Dewantha Jenar Copyright (c) 2024 Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENATAAN KAWASAN SEMPADAN SUNGAI OONGAN DENPASAR DENGAN KONSEP EKOWISATA BERBASIS KONSERVASI DAN KEARIFAN LOKAL <p class="Keyword"><span lang="EN-US">Rivers are a vital part of life, but many rivers in Indonesia, including in Denpasar, are polluted by human activities. Efforts have been made to overcome this problem, such as maintaining the cleanliness of the river, regulating the flow of water, and educating the community about the importance of protecting the river. This research aims to identify the potential of the Oongan River and its river border in Denpasar to be developed as a cultural tourism destination. The data collection method was carried out through non-participatory observation, literature review, and in-depth interviews. The results of the study show that the Oongan River holds biological and cultural wealth that has the potential to become an attractive tourist attraction. The proposed development concept is to design an ecotourism park that combines elements of conservation and recreation, with a focus on the preservation of river ecosystems. This development is expected to provide economic benefits for the surrounding community while increasing awareness of the importance of preserving the river.</span></p> Ida Bagus Suryatmaja, Anak Agung Ratu Ritaka Wangsa, Tjokorda Istri Praganingrum Copyright (c) 2024 Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Sun, 29 Dec 2024 03:09:09 +0000