Studi Kasus: Trayek Tegal-Kuta Tuban

  • Ida Bagus Wirahaji Universitas Hindu Indonesia
Keywords: Use of Private Transport, Service Quality, and User Interest Public transportation.



The increase in land intensity causes an increase in the generation and attractiveness of community movements. This increase in movement resulted in increased traffic flow. The increasing mobility of society requires the support of adequate transportation facilities and infrastructure. Public transportation plays an important role in accommodating people's needs in carrying out movements. However, in line with the increasing community economy which has an impact on increasing private vehicle ownership, so that the use of private vehicles is increasing. On the one hand, the quality of public transport services is getting worse. Public interest using public transportation is decreasing. This study is to determine the extent to which the use of private transportation and the quality of public transport services affects the interest of public transport users. The method of collecting data in this study was by distributing questionnaires to 250 respondents along the Tegal-Kuta-Tuban Terminal Route corridor. The questionnaire contains a number of statements asking the respondent's attitude / perception. Methods of data analysis using the AMOS Statistical Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of the analysis show the results of the Goodness of Fit test which consists of 12 criteria in which the model is declared "Good", as well as the reliability test results. Poor "quality of public transport services" (X2) has a significant effect (α = 0.011 ≤ 0.05) on the decline in "public transport user interest" (Y1). "Poor quality of public transport services" is also the main indicator of the latent variable "Use of private transportation (X1), with a loading factor (λ) = 0.843. "The length of time waiting for departure" (X2.2) is the main indicator in the variable "Quality of public transport services" (X2), with a loading factor (λ) = 0.687. "The increasing number of private transport users" (Y1.6) is the main indicator of the variable "Public transportation user interest" (Y1), with a loading factor (λ) = 0.700.


Keywords: Use of Private Transport, Service Quality, and User Interest Public transportation.


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How to Cite
Wirahaji, I. B. (2021). ANALISIS TURUNNYA MINAT PENGGUNA ANGKUTAN UMUM DI KOTA DENPASAR DAN KABUPATEN BADUNG: Studi Kasus: Trayek Tegal-Kuta Tuban. Widya Teknik, 15(01), 47-63.