(Studi Kasus : Ruas Jalan Kutapang-Maos di Kecamatan Nusa Penida Kabupaten Klungkung)

  • I Wayan Agus Putra Wijaya Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hindu Indonesia
  • Made Novia Indriani Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hindu Indonesia
  • Ida Bagus Wirahaji Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hindu Indonesia
Keywords: type of damage, Highways and PCI, maintenance and costs


Highways are one of the infrastructures to accelerate the growth and development of an area, especially the Klungkung Regency. Due to the age of the road pavement plan, the road service level will decrease. If this condition is left unchecked, it will worsen the condition of the pavement layers and the costs required will increase. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the road damage so that later it can determine the maintenance and handling program. In writing this analysis using qualitative methods, data on road damage conditions was carried out by visual surveys, on the Kutapang-Maos road section, with the length of the road being observed along 1,200 km from km 0+000 - km 1+200. The categories of types of damage reviewed are cracking, patches and holes, surface hardness, grooves, and subsidence. While the existing condition of the pavement width is 3 meters, the pavement thickness is 5 cm with the AC layer, and the last overlay was carried out in 2009. The condition of the road shoulders is 1.5 – 2 meters wide with a grassy surface. In the analysis of the types of damage raveling, alligator cracking, patching, longitudinal and transverse cracking, shoving, potholes, ruts, and grade depressions with the Bina Marga method analysis, the priority order value is 8 while the PCI method analysis gets the road condition value is 6, meaning the road is included in moderate condition level (Fair) and the order of priority is 9 so that the appropriate alternative type of maintenance is a routine maintenance program. The form of handling the damage is with Burtu, Burda, and Lapen, while the costs required are Rp. 27,702,395.00-


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How to Cite
Wijaya, I. W. A. P., Indriani, M. N., & Wirahaji, I. B. (2023). ANALISIS KONDISI PERKERASAN JALAN DENGAN METODE BINA MARGA DAN PAVEMENT CONDITION INDEX (PCI). Widya Teknik, 19(1), 30-43.