(Studi Kasus: Jalan Gunung Agung Denpasar)

  • Ida Bagus Wirahaji Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hindu Indonesia
  • I Putu Laintarawan Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hindu Indonesia
Keywords: Proportion of motorbikes, Road Performance, MKJI


The Gunung Agung Denpasar road section is an urban road that experiences high traffic loads. This is due to the fact that land use along this road is very dense with various activity centers, such as shopping centers and general trade, education, offices, and other public facilities. In addition, Gunung Agung Road is a connecting road and traffic crossing between the city center and suburban areas. The traffic load is dominated by motorbikes with a higher proportion than other modes of transportation. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of the Gunung Agung road. Traffic data collection is done by a manual survey to record traffic volume, speed, and side resistance. The results of the analysis show road performance, such as the maximum traffic volume obtained is 2,177.30 pcu/hour, with the proportion of motorbikes at 87.16%, the average speed is 23.47 km/hour, the average degree of saturation (DS) is 0,85. The level of road service includes level D in Segment II and E which occurs in Segment I, the flow is approaching unstable, and drivers are starting to feel congestion. High traffic density, and side barriers of 362.5 (300-4999) are included in the medium category, namely industrial areas with shopping centers (shops) on the side of the road.


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How to Cite
Wirahaji, I. B., & Laintarawan, I. P. (2023). PENGARUH PROPORSI SEPEDA MOTOR TERHADAP KINERJA JALAN PERKOTAAN: (Studi Kasus: Jalan Gunung Agung Denpasar). Widya Teknik, 19(1), 64-70.