Infill walls are structural components in buildings that have a room-dividing function. For structural design, infill walls are generally modeled as an open frame. However, if infill walls are combined with structural frames in modeling, these infill walls will contribute better to structural rigidity. In this research, three models have been made. Model M1 is an open frame model, model M2 is a Fully Infilled Wall Frame model and model M3 is a Fully Infilled Wall Frame model with door openings. The purpose of this study was to determine the behavior of reinforced concrete frame structures with and without taking into account the effect of the presence of door and window holes in the walls due to earthquake loads. The research method used is a quantitative method with Pushover nonlinear static analysis. The results of the analysis show that the Fully Infilled Wall Frame model is 23.97% and 8.1% stiffer than the open frame model and the Fully Infilled Wall Frame with 24.8% door openings and 41.6% window openings due to the X and Y direction earthquake loads.
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