The urban population continues to increase due to uncontrolled urbanization. This increase in population is in line with the increasing ownership of private vehicles which causes an increase in the volume of vehicles on the roads. On the other hand, it is very difficult to increase road capacity due to the dense use of land. As a result, the volume of traffic exceeds road capacity, causing congestion and impacting noise. This study was conducted in the National Housing Monang-Maning area, West Denpasar, an area that experiences noise exceeding the noise level standard. The purpose of this study was to analyze public perceptions of noise levels. A total of 125 questionnaires were distributed to people living in the area. This perception data was analyzed using multiple linear regression statistics. The results showed that the variables Traffic Volume, Road Conditions, and Population Number had a significant positive effect on the Noise Level that occurred in the Perumnas Monang Maning area, both partially and simultaneously. The Sig. values ??were obtained, respectively, of 0.000 <0.050; t count of 6.263; 4.737; 8.360 > ttable = 1.980; and Fcount = 72.763 > Ftable = 0.071; determination coefficient R2 = 63.50%; obtained model: Y = 5.331 + 0.295X1 + 0.229X2 + 0.344X3. The Population Variable has the largest coefficient, which means it has the greatest influence on noise levels
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