Dharma Bhakti 2024-04-19T06:23:04+00:00 I Komang Gede Open Journal Systems <p><strong><em>Dharma </em></strong><strong><em>Bhakti</em></strong>&nbsp;<strong>(J</strong><strong>DB</strong><strong>)</strong><strong> Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarkat </strong>&nbsp;adalah salah satu media untuk mempublikasikan hasil-hasil pengabdian.</p> PENGABDIAN PARTISIPATIF MELALUI KEGIATAN POSYANDU YANG EFEKTIF DAN EFISIEN DI BANJAR PEKANDELAN SANUR KAUH DESA ADAT INTARAN DENPASAR SELATAN 2024-04-19T06:11:57+00:00 A.A. Kade Sri Yudari I Wayan Aribawa Wiguna I Made Pasek Kartana Ni Kadek Widiantari I Putu Widiartha Ketut Intan Tirtawati <p><em>With the limited integrated healthcare center in Banjar Pekandelan in Intaran Traditional Village, Sanur Kauh Village, South Denpasar District, Denpasar City, it is the cause of inefficient services, in serving the surrounding community. So that the participatory service program as an option to contribute to the success of posyandu service activities. The method of implementation in this Integrated Healthcare Center social service activity is by requesting permission from the head or chairman of the Posyandu, then after obtaining permission, discussions and concrete actions are carried out in the activity. 100% of the activities are to directly follow the integrated Healthca re Center social service carried out by the KKN 5 UNHI 2023 group, with the results of the activity program being that the integrated healthcare center activity service can run well and all the people who follow get good and satisfying integrated healthcare Center health treatment. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keyword</em></strong><strong>: <em>Integrated Healthcare Center, Participatory service</em>,Banjar Pekandelan, Intaran <em>Traditional Village</em></strong></p> 2023-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENINGKATAN UMKM GULA KELAPA ASLI KHAS DAWAN, KLUNGKUNG, BALI 2024-04-19T03:49:27+00:00 Putu Nuniek Hutnaleontina I Wayan Dauh, Ni Made Sumariani I Putu Ryan Widiarta Rai Resta januarta I Nyoman Bhadrika I Made Dwiki Pernanda <p>Gula kelapa adalah hasil pengolahan Nira atauTuak Manis dengan cara dipanaskan selama kurang lebih 3 jam hingga air Nira atau Tuak manis berubah warna menjadi kemerahan. Nira kelapa diperoleh dari penyadapan mayang kelapa (bunga kelapa) dengan cara memotong bunga kelapa lalu tetesan nira yang keluar ditampung dalam suatu wadah yang biasanya bernama beruk atau ember dan wadah lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu membantu meningkatkan UMKM Gula Kelapa asli khas Dawan, Klungkung, Bali dengan cara membantu mempromosikan melalui salah satu media cetak di Bali serta membantu membeli beberapa Gula Kelapa asli Dawan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survey dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan acuan bagi masyarakat dalam melakukan usaha dan menumbuhkan minat masyarakat untuk melestarikan produksi gula kelapa Asli khususnya Gula Dawan.</p> 2023-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## REHABILITASI DAN PEMELIHARAAN PERLENGKAPAN JALAN DALAM HAL PEMETAAN SEBARAN PANEL KWH METER LAMPU PENERANGAN JALAN UMUM DI WILAYAH DESA MUNGGU 2024-04-19T06:12:44+00:00 I Komang MULIARTA Ida Kade Suarioka I Komang Gede <p>The importance of understanding activity procedures and data accuracy in the form of making maps that can provide convenience in studying an area. The aim is to train and broaden the horizons of students in developing creativity and problem solving, understanding an official administrative process and validating assets ownership of kwh meter public street lighting panels in the form of maps. With the observation method, surveys in order to understand information about the description of procedures for procurement and installation of street equipment and other strategic places, rehabilitation / maintenance, procurement of materials / components, and flowcharts for repairing public street lighting. Making a map with the Arcgis application, producing a map of the distribution of kwh meter panels for public street lighting lamps in the munggu village area, mengwi sub-district, badung district.</p> 2023-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## SIAPIK PELATIHAN PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN BERBASIS APLIKASI SI-APIK BAGI PELAKU USAHA PETANI GARAM DI DESA KETEWEL 2024-04-19T06:19:55+00:00 Ni Komang Ayu Arya Widiastuti <p>Loloan salt farmers in Ketewel village are a small business consisting of six people <br>whose production focus is making salt through processing local resources. Salt <br>farmers' knowledge of digital-based financial management is still low. Farmers <br>often use income from sales of salt for personal needs. This will certainly have an <br>impact on unstable cash flow in the business. To reduce the occurrence of unstable <br>cash flows, daily financial recording must be carried out using currently available <br>technology. The role of technology in financial processes is to reduce human errors <br>and increase efficiency, assist inventory management processes, increase data <br>accessibility and security, speed up payment processes and income tracking, and <br>optimize expenses and reduce operational costs. The method used in this village <br>project is in the form of discussions and providing training to salt farmers regarding <br>digitalization-based financial management. The results of this village project <br>activity were able to increase salt farmers' knowledge regarding digitized financial <br>management which includes how to record business through the SI-APIK <br>application. <br>Keywords: Financial Management ; SIAPIK ; Salt Farmers ; Desa Ketewel</p> 2024-04-19T06:19:55+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMBERDAYAAN UMKM MELALUI PELATIHAN PEMBUKUAN SEDERHANA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN PELAKU USAHA UMKM MINYAK VCO BALI NIRMALA DI DESA KESIMAN KERTALANGU 2024-04-19T06:23:04+00:00 Komang Ayu Siska Lestari <p>In this era, the business world is developing very rapidly and requires high creativity in facing changes from economic actors. Kesiman Kertalangu Village is a village located in East Denpasar District, Denpasar City which consists of 11 hamlets. Apart from having many tourist attractions with beautiful views, Kesiman Kertalangu Village also has MSMEs that use natural products to be processed as health products. Bali Nirmala VCO Oil UMKM processes coconut using Usadha Bali fermentation technology. The Bali Nirmala VCO Oil UMKM has not implemented bookkeeping effectively and combined money from business with personal income so that it cannot know the exact amount of profit obtained from its business. In community service activities through this village project program, UNHI Accounting students help overcome this problem by providing simple bookkeeping training to improve the financial management of Bali Nirmala VCO Oil MSME business actors so that in the future the business can thrive and further increase its income through good financial management.</p> 2024-04-19T06:23:04+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##