International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies <p><strong>The International Journal of Interreligious &amp; Intercultural Studies (IJIIS)&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;is a worldwide, peer-reviewed publication for scientists, academics, researchers and observers on topics surrounding religion, culture and all their interaction with social, political and economic realities, globalization, industry and other phenomena that significantly affect human lives in various parts of the world. IJIIS expects to publish articles that investigate, critically assess, and foster intellectual exchanges at the theoretical, philosophical as well as applied levels of knowledge on interreligious and intercultural matters. Its primary purpose is to generate scholarly exchanges of ideas, criticisms, and debates on the realities of religious life in a complex, multicultural world.</p> <p><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License"></a><br>The IJIIS site and its metadata are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA.</p> UNHI PRESS en-US International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies 2655-3538 The Strategy Of Puri Agung Tabanan As A Cultural Center <p>A Balinese culture is a form of culture in which every system of ideas, and social system to its physical manifestation in totality is based on values derived from Hinduism. <em>Puri</em> with its cultural resources still upholds the values of local wisdom of a region and represents the cultural and spiritual roots of Bali. In recent decades, <em>puri</em> as one of the elements of Balinese culture has been faced with various serious problems related to the existence of <em>puri</em> as a cultural center.</p> <p>This research aims to examine the existence of Puri Agung Tabanan as a cultural center. Based on this, the researchers formulated three problems, namely:&nbsp; Why is Puri Agung Tabanan declared as a cultural center? What is the strategy of Puri Agung Tabanan as a cultural center? What are the implications of Puri Agung Tabanan as a cultural center for the existence of Balinese culture, the <em>puri</em>, and the surrounding community? This research uses a qualitative approach method, with descriptive analysis. Data collection techniques were observation, in-depth interviews, and document studies. Informants were collected through a purposive sampling technique. The research location is Puri Agung Tabanan located in Banjar Dinas Sakenan Baleran, Delod Peken Village, Tabanan District, precisely on Jalan Srigunting No. 3, Tabanan, Bali.</p> <p>Formally, <em>puri</em> as the center of power is gone, but <em>puri</em> is symbolic. <em>Puri</em>’s strategy is to maintain its existence as a cultural center through acculturation or socialization strategy. The explanation model of Puri Agung Tabanan as a cultural center is a form of articulation that the function of the <em>puri</em> as the center of inheritance and preservation of Balinese culture remains relevant in the future. The existence of <em>puri</em> as a cultural center is a form of the birth of a new civilization milestone created by the current generation to represent the Balinese people, especially in Tabanan Regency in building a spirit based on a system of cultural values that already exists in the relationship of community life towards Bali New Era 100 years ahead (2025 to 2125).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> I Wayan Antara Ida Bagus Gde Yudha Triguna I Gusti Bagus Wirawan Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies 2024-05-22 2024-05-22 7 1 1 6 10.32795/ijiis.vol7.iss1.2024.5055 The Commodification of Puri Gede Kaba-Kaba as a Tourism Attraction <p>This study was conducted with three main problems, namely (1) Factors causing the commodification of Puri Gede Kaba-Kaba as a tourist attraction in Tabanan Regency; (2) The process of occurrence; and (3) The implications for the economic, religious, and socio-cultural aspects for the people of Kaba-Kaba Village. These three problems were analyzed using phenomenological, commodification, and reception theories. This research uses qualitative analysis techniques with a critical paradigm. The result is that several factors cause the commodification of Puri Gede Kaba-Kaba as a tourist attraction, namely external factors, which consist of external puri and external Kaba-Kaba village. External factors of the <em>puri</em>, namely in the form of support from the village government and the entire Kaba-Kaba village community. External factors outside Kaba-Kaba village, in the form of provincial and state government policies related to tourism development. Then the internal factors of the <em>puri</em>, in the form of strong encouragement from the relatives of the <em>puri</em> commodifies the <em>puri</em> to get additional income to maintain the existence of the <em>puri</em>. Furthermore, the commodification process follows management principles, namely planning, organization, coordination, and control. The commodification of Puri Gede Kaba-Kaba as a tourist attraction has implications for various dimensions of life, such as social, cultural, economic, and religious life.</p> I Nyoman Sudiarta I Ketut Suda I Gusti Bagus Wirawan Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies 2024-05-22 2024-05-22 7 1 7 19 10.32795/ijiis.vol7.iss1.2024.5056 The Impact Of Financial Planning, Promotion, And Religiosity On Brand Image And Its Impact On Interest In Saving Yadnya Savings Products At Pt. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk <p>This research aims to determine and analyze the effect of financial planning, promotion, and religiosity on interest in saving with the brand image as a mediator for Tabungan Yadnya (Yadnya savings) products at Bank BNI. The population is all Tabungan Yadnya customers with a sample size of 200 people, and the method used is a quantitative method with data analysis techniques using confirmatory factor analysis techniques which are processed with the help of SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) software to analyze it.</p> <p>The results obtained include the better the financial planning carried out by customers, the higher the interest in saving. The more or the more often promotional activities are carried out, the higher or more interest in saving customers will increase in Yadnya savings. The better the religiosity of the customer, the desire or interest in saving will increase in the Yadnya savings product. The better the financial planning carried out by the customer, the better the brand image of Bank BNI will be. The more intensive the implementation of promotions carried out by Bank BNI, the image will also increase. If the customer’s religiosity behavior is getting stronger, it will make a good impression on the brand image of Bank BNI. The better the brand image of Bank BNI, the higher the interest of people to save. Promotion can directly influence the desire or interest in saving without going through or involving the Bank BNI brand image variable. The religiosity attitude of a person or customer can directly influence the desire or interest in saving customers without going through or involving the Bank BNI brand image variable.</p> <p>The novelty of this research relates to Hindu sacred literature <em>Sãrasamuccaya</em> verse 268 states “<em>Ekenamsena dharmmarthah karttavyo bhutimicchata, Ekenamsena kamartha ekamamsam vivirddhayet</em>” (the income we earn should be divided into three, for the cost of achieving <em>dharma</em>, for fulfilling <em>kama</em>, and for <em>artha</em>).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> I Gusti Nyoman Dharma Putra Ida Bagus Raka Suardana I Gede Putu Kawiana Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies 2024-05-22 2024-05-22 7 1 20 34 10.32795/ijiis.vol7.iss1.2024.5413 “Ngedeblag” Traditions In Socio-Cultural Community Life At Pakaraman Kemenuh Village, Sukawati Subdistrict, District Of Gianyar <p>“<em>Ngedeblag”</em> tradition in <em>Pakraman</em> Kemenuh Village is an activity that is carried out every year, starting on <em>Såsih Kalima</em> and has been passed down from generation to generation by village manners. This tradition symbolizes honoring tribute to <em>bhuta kala</em> for establishing safety, secrecy, prosperity and neutralizing all negative matters. Moreover, this tradition likewise believed to maintain environmental harmony in <em>Pakraman</em> Kemenuh Village, balancing the elements of Bhuana alit and Bhuana Agung, increasing <em>sraddha</em> and devotion of the Hindu’s to <em>Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa</em>* through the medium of offerings (<em>upakara</em> / banten) establishing a closer relation and people's belief in the majesty of God Almighty. <em>Ngedeblag</em> tradition as its religious function explained as balancing relationship between humans and natures surroundings symbolized by “banten caru” offering to the Bhuta Kala. The following function of this tradition is explained as social function where <em>Ngedeblag</em> tradition becomes a unifying medium among citizens establishing harmonious relationship. Thus, <em>Ngedeblag</em> is explained as repelling evil tradition, in this case it is used to reject the entire negative aura created by the <em>bhuta kala</em> during <em>sasih kalima</em> to <em>sasih kasanga</em>.</p> I Nyoman Sri Winarti Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies 2024-05-22 2024-05-22 7 1 35 44 10.32795/ijiis.vol7.iss1.2024.5414 Pura Dalem Sakenan: A Manifestation of Siwa-Buddha Syncretism <p>The teachings of Shiva-Buddhism are a beautiful fusion of Hinduism and Buddhism, not just a legacy of the past, but a living religion that is practiced by many Balinese people. Pura Dalem Sakenan is an example of this syncretism. The temple's main shrine, called the candi or gedong sekar kancing gelung, stands as a symbol of syncretism. It is a combination of the padmasana, a Hindu altar, with a Buddhist-style temple structure. Pura Dalem Sakenan is not just a holy place. It is a center of spiritual life, where ?iwa-Buddha rituals and practices take place. The faithful gather to pray, make offerings, and perform traditional ceremonies that are rich in Hindu-Buddhist nuances. Pura Dalem Sakenan as one of its cultural gems, invites us to open our eyes and hearts to the beauty of diversity. On this island, Hinduism and Buddhism are not two separate entities, but two sides of the same coin, complementing each other and forming a unique spiritual story.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ida Bagus Subrahmaniam Saitya Hari Harsananda Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies 2024-05-22 2024-05-22 7 1 45 54 10.32795/ijiis.vol7.iss1.2024.5415 REVITALIZATION OF THE SEKALA AND NISKALA DIMENSIONS OF PALM SUGAR MAKING TRADITIONS IN SUPPORT OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM: CASE STUDY IN PEDAWA VILLAGE, BANJAR DISTRICT, BULELENG REGENCY <p><em>The existence of tourism in Pedawa Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency is inseparable from the tradition of making iconic palm sugar. Advances in science and technology have challenged the existence of this tradition in the process of passing it on to the younger generation. Therefore, the existence of this tradition is still being maintained, both to maintain the traditional order and the sustainability of community-based tourism. Efforts to revitalize the tradition of making palm sugar in Pedawa Village involve two dimensions, namely the “sekala” (real) dimension and the “niskala” (abstract) dimension. The sekala dimension is carried out through concrete actions, namely sugar palm conservation and product innovation, while the noetic dimension is carried out through sacredization based on Hindu teachings combined with local wisdom. The study conducted in Pedawa Village is quite interesting because the revitalization carried out can be an example amidst the negative issues of the tourism sector which are synonymous with resource exploitation, degradation of traditional values, and desacralization. Through the results of this research, it is hoped that it can create a strong tradition and impact on tourism that can be managed in a sustainable manner.</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Keywords: revitalization, sekala, niskala, palm sugar, sustainable tourism.</em></p> Putu Sabda Jayendra I Wayan Wiwin Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies 2024-05-22 2024-05-22 7 1 55 65 10.32795/ijiis.vol7.iss1.2024.5440 Adaptation of Balinese Women in Modern Agricultural Systems in Purwosari Village, Torue Sub-District, Parigi Moutong District, Central Sulawesi Province <p>Balinese women can adapt to changes in modern farming systems in transmigration areas influenced by globalization, taking into account the economic needs of the family and the preservation of local traditional values. Although interested in modern practices, they can integrate them with their religious beliefs and traditional heritage. Based on the above, the purpose of this research is to explore the factors that cause the adaptation of Balinese women dissected with the theory of sociocultural change, analyze the process of adaptation of Balinese women in the modern agricultural system dissected with the theory of structuration and analyze its implications for socio-economic life, religious culture, and the environment dissected with reception theory. This research is qualitative research using the sociology of religion approach. The methods used are observation, interview, and document research. Data analysis techniques with qualitative interpretative data analysis, checking data validity using triangulation. The results of this research indicated that: The factors causing the adaptation of Balinese women in the modern agricultural system are factors of changes in social values and norms, education and awareness factors, factors of changes in family structure, factors of economic change, factors of knowledge and technology, factors of multiple roles of Balinese women and factors of a person's permanent work that is hereditary/<em>Geginan</em>. The process of adaptation of Balinese women to the modern agricultural system starts from changes in the agricultural system, interaction between farmers in the agricultural community, adaptation to the agricultural environment, adaptation to the social environment, and adaptation to the cultural environment. The implications of Balinese women's adaptation to modern agricultural systems for socio-economic life include the cooperation system still being carried out but has slightly shifted to a wage system and becoming farm laborers using modern technology can increase income for family needs. Implications for religious cultural life include improving the religious quality of Balinese women through religious ceremonies in agriculture in <em>Subak</em> Purwosari and religious ceremonies about agriculture brought from Balinese origin are still intact in Purwosari Village. Implications for the environment, adaptation, and increased knowledge of Balinese women about the use of pesticides for agriculture.</p> IN Suparman Euis Dewi Yuliana Ida Ayu Komang Arniati Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies 2024-05-22 2024-05-22 7 1 66 80 10.32795/ijiis.vol7.iss1.2024.5702 The Concept of Death in Kakawin Sumanasantaka <p>One of the human attempts to overcome death through a cultural approach is the <em>Kakawin Sumansantaka</em> composed by Mpu Monaguna. This implies messages implicitly that birth and death are mysteries of life. This research aims to add to the treasure of knowledge about life and death. The type of research used is interpretative qualitative research. The primary data source is the text of <em>Kakawin Sumanasantaka</em>. The data analysis technique uses content analysis to analyse the content of <em>Kakawin Sumanasantaka</em>. From the research results, it is known that the way a person dies is different according to his <em>karma</em>. In <em>Kakawin &nbsp;Sumanasantaka</em> it is mentioned that Dewi Harini's death was due to being cursed by Pandita T??a Windu, her fault for disturbing the Pandita's asceticism. Harini was born as Indumati and then she was killed by the <em>Sumanasa</em> flower which freed her from the human body so that she could return to Indraloka. In contrast, the death of King Aja who threw himself at the right time into the confluence of the Suranadi and Sarayu Rivers as a symbolic meeting of the nadis of <em>Ida</em> and <em>Pinggala</em> at <em>Ajña Cakra</em>. Ajña chakra is one of the <em>?iwa</em> clans of the path of ?tma out of the body. The <em>Kakawin Sumanasantaka</em> thus presents the correct way o f dying of several characters such as the death of Dewi Harini's way, the death of Dewi Indumati's way and the death of Raja Aja's way.</p> Ida Made Windya Putu Sri Marselinawati I Made Ariasa Giri Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies 2024-05-22 2024-05-22 7 1 81 90 10.32795/ijiis.vol7.iss1.2024.5950 The Symbolic Meaning of the Banyan Plant in Hindu Rituals <p>The philosophical meaning contained in each <em>upakara</em> plant is the most important thing that must be known and expressed again, so that Hindus have clear guidance and guidance in offering their <em>yadnya</em>. Without knowing clearly and definitely about the philosophical meaning contained in the <em>upakara</em> plant, it is suspected that over time there will be deviations in the implementation of Hindu religious rituals. Starting from the problem above, this study have question : &nbsp;(1) What is the form, classification and description of the banyan plant in Hindu religious rituals? (2) What are the uses/benefits of the banyan plant in Hindu religious rituals? (3) What is the mythology of the banyan plant used in Hindu religious rituals? (4) What is the philosophical meaning of the banyan plant used in Hindu religious rituals? Based on study, the following conclusions are drawn. (1) The use of plants as a means of ceremonial ceremonies will continue and be sustainable if the traditions that characterize Balinese society and culture are large traditions that are based on the implementation of various types of ceremonies, of which the <em>yadnya </em>ceremony is an important aspect of the Hindu religious belief system. (2) On the other hand, there is a point of view, if Balinese Hindus deepen their philosophy, then all types of ceremonies will fade or at least decrease, because their essence is known. Thus, it is suspected that the use of plants as ceremonial facilities will decrease as the implementation of various types of ceremonies fades or decreases. (3) Apart from the two views above, the use of plants, whether for carrying out ceremonies or to support the continuity of the cycles of the universe, provides a mandate to remind humans to protect plants of whatever type so that they do not experience degradation or even extinction. (4) Based on a literature search, not much has been revealed regarding the philosophical meaning of the <em>upakara</em> plant, and efforts in this direction need to be made.</p> Euis Dewi Yuliana Putu Desiana Wulaning Ayu Gede Angga Pradipta Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 7 1 91 96 10.32795/ijiis.vol7.iss1.2024.6034