International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies <p><strong>The International Journal of Interreligious &amp; Intercultural Studies (IJIIS)&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;is a worldwide, peer-reviewed publication for scientists, academics, researchers and observers on topics surrounding religion, culture and all their interaction with social, political and economic realities, globalization, industry and other phenomena that significantly affect human lives in various parts of the world. IJIIS expects to publish articles that investigate, critically assess, and foster intellectual exchanges at the theoretical, philosophical as well as applied levels of knowledge on interreligious and intercultural matters. Its primary purpose is to generate scholarly exchanges of ideas, criticisms, and debates on the realities of religious life in a complex, multicultural world.</p> <p><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License"></a><br>The IJIIS site and its metadata are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA.</p> en-US [email protected] (Riska Dewi Prawita) [email protected] (IJIIS) Thu, 31 Oct 2024 22:25:14 +0000 OJS 60 The Principles of Bhakti Ethics in Hinduism <p><em>Bhakti</em> is one of the paths in Hinduism to get closer to God. <em>Bhakti</em> is defined as religious devotion. Although it contains religious nuances, devotees often do not understand it fully. The spiritual and profane aspects of <em>bhakti</em> are often separated. Some people think <em>bhakti</em> is only enough to be done with certain rituals or offerings. Meanwhile, external aspects such as respect for others, compassion, empathy, charity, and so on are ignored. There are exclusive bhakti practitioners, who consider themselves the most loved by God so that they demand special treatment from the people around them. To prevent deviations in the implementation of <em>bhakti</em>, this research examines the integral aspects of <em>bhakti</em> both vertically and horizontally. Because basically, <em>bhakti</em> must include both. When a person worships or expresses his affection for God, at the same time he must also respect and love others. In Hinduism, there is a concept that God (<em>Brahman</em>) and the creatures in the world are one. In the context of creation, there is also a very close relationship between one creature and another. Unfortunately, material deception (<em>maya</em>) makes humans unable to see these similarities. Differences in skin color, race, form, species, and other appearances often trigger ignorance. Through <em>bhakti</em>, attunement of consciousness can be practiced. In different aspects, the implementation of bhakti can then be evaluated towards perfection. The purpose of this study is to summarize the ethical principles of <em>bhakti</em> as they were originally conceived. This is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The principles of <em>bhakti</em> ethics in Hinduism include the ethical principle of surrender and respect, the ethical principle of love or compassion (<em>ahimsa</em>), the ethical principle of sincerity (<em>lascarya</em>), the ethical principle of service (<em>sevaka</em> <em>dharma</em>), and the ethical principle of empathy.</p> Yudha Triguna Ida Bagus Gde, Yudha Triguna Ida Bagus Gde Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies Wed, 30 Oct 2024 14:19:05 +0000 Developing Health Tourism Innovations In Thailand <p>The objectives of the research are to (1) study the needs for health tourism activities for foreign tourists (2) develop health tourism innovations for foreign tourists and (3) implement and evaluate health tourism innovations for foreign tourists. It is research and development. Use in-depth interviews, focus group discussion, brainstorm . The &nbsp;target groups include travel business owners, experts/operator in health rehabilitation, experts in health information and health products, and foreign tourists, including travel agents. The research results found that (1) want to have a variety of activities, combining many aspects. To achieve maximum results in care disease treatment (2) The results of the development of health tourism innovations were 3 innovations: (1)Tourism innovation to promote health (2)Tourism innovation to restore health and (3)Tourism innovation to&nbsp; maintain health. The results of implementing health tourism innovations (1) tourism&nbsp; innovation to promote health has been carried out: 1.1) agricultural tourism look at chemical-free salad vegetables,1. 2) cook healthy local recipes and 1.3) exercise, ride a bike to see the landscape. On Bang Saray beach (2) tourism innovation to restore health &nbsp;has been carried out: 2.1) promoting general knowledge and health care and basic health examination 2.2) the use of music, including Thai dance and basketball dancing and (3) tourism innovation to maintain health has been carried out 3.1)Massage was performed to relieve various symptoms 3.2) foot acupressure to treat insomnia and foot reflexology. To increase the blood circulatory system by traditional Thai medicine and expert masseuses</p> Patthira Phon-ngam Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Patriach Abraham, His Family and Christian-Muslim Dialogue in Contemporary African Societies <p>The religiously plural nature of today’s society often calls for the cooperation among various existing religious traditions for peaceful co-existence. Cooperation between religious bodies work optimally when the parties can identify a common ground which serves as a rallying point for their purposeful conversation and meaningful encounters and interaction. This paper offers a critical study of the Patriarch, Abraham and his immediate family from both Christian and Muslim perspectives as presented in the sacred texts. It goes further to discuss how the patriarchy narratives, in spite of the challenges they have posed to Christian-Muslim encounters in history, could actually be a medium for promotion of cooperation in contemporary society.</p> Cosmas Ebo Sarbah Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies Wed, 30 Oct 2024 14:20:57 +0000 CONFORMITY INDEX RELIGIOUS PEOPLE IN BADUNG DISTRICT <p>This research was conducted to measure the Religious Harmony Index (IKUB) in Badung Regency. This research is classified as a survey research type. Data was collected using a questionnaire and the data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, samples were taken randomly from the neighborhood/banjar. This research was carried out by conducting a survey in 50 villages/subdistricts (out of 62 villages/subdistricts) in 6 (six) sub-districts in Badung Regency. It is hoped that sampling by carrying out surveys at locations in 50 villages/subdistricts will represent the answers or attitudes of all religious communities in terms of their relationship with followers of other religions in Badung Regency. The time this research was carried out was from March-September 2024. The research results are as follows. The average Religious Harmony Index (IKUB) in each subdistrict in Badung Regency is very high, namely North Kuta Subdistrict occupies the highest position with an IKUB value reaching 99.63, followed by South Kuta Subdistrict 97.33, Abiansemal Subdistrict 97.25, Petang Subdistrict 96.85, Kuta 95.60 and Mengwi District 92.49. Meanwhile, the average Religious Harmony Index (IKUB) in Badung Regency in 2024 is 96.52, this result is higher than the IKUB in Badung Regency in 2023, namely 93.4, and also higher than the IKUB in Badung Regency in 2019, namely 80.24. Meanwhile, the map of variations in relations between religious communities in Badung Regency; shows that Variation of Tolerance, Variation of Equality and Variation of Cooperation are very good.</p> Euis Dewi Yuliana, I Gusti Ketut Widana, I Putu Sastra Wibawa, Ida Ayu Ketut Surya Wahyuni, Komang Agus Triadi Kiswara, I Ketut Winantra, I Nyoman Adi Wiratma, Ni Made Suati, Ni Gusti Ayu Hyeni Tryastuti Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Relationship between Pragmasemantics and Hindu Performing Arts: <p>This study examines the interplay between pragmasemantics and Hindu performing arts, focusing specifically on the Kecak dance. The Kecak dance enacts scenes from the Ramayana, infusing the performance with deep spiritual significance. Through rhythmic chanting and elaborate choreography, the dancers embody divine characters, creating a sacred atmosphere. Pragmasemantics, an interdisciplinary approach that merges the study of pragmatics (contextual meaning) and semantics (linguistic meaning), offers a valuable lens through which to analyze the Kecak dance. This approach allows for an exploration of how meaning is constructed, interpreted, and conveyed through the interplay of verbal and non-verbal elements in the performance. Pragmasemantics examines the way in which the context of a performance influences the interpretation of the linguistic and physical elements present. In the Kecak dance, the verbal component is primarily the “cak” chanting, which is not only a series of sounds but carries deep cultural and narrative significance. The qualitative research methodology employed in this study, focusing on content analysis of Kecak performances. This method allows for a detailed examination of the verbal and non-verbal elements that constitute the dance. The result of study are integrating Hindu scriptures such as the Ramayana and various slokas, alongside scholarly theories on pragmasemantics and emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between pragmasemantics and the Kecak dance. It explores how the verbal chants and physical movements in Kecak convey layered meanings, reinforcing cultural values and religious teachings. This comprehensive analysis contributes to the broader discourse on the role of pragmasemantics in performing arts, offering new insights into the dynamic interaction between language, culture, and performance</p> I Wayan Dikse Pancane, I Made Merta Winadi, Witya Arindrayanthi Risa, Ni Ketut Riska Dewi Prawita, I Ketut Suda, I Gusti Bagus Wirawan, I Nyoman Sudanta, I Gede Angga Supriana, I Nyoman Artana Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies Wed, 30 Oct 2024 14:22:51 +0000 Balinese Ethnopedagogy: <p>Education is a cultural process, namely a process that continues throughout the life of a cultured human being. This never-ending process involves various human interests. Practically, the industrial process requires professionals, on the other hand, the humanistic group focuses on human freedom. Negotiation of these two approaches provides a third way, namely locality-based education. Intellectual property and its delegation was a big project in ancient times to maintain the existence of society. Bali maintains its strong culture and religion so it is interesting to dissect Balinese-style education through the charismatic figure Ida Bagus Mantra. Interpretative reading through hermeneutic and intertextuality methods will develop data acquisition strategies to obtain Ida Bagus Mantra's ideas about Balinese-style education or Ethnopedagogy.</p> Ida Bagus Ngurah Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies Wed, 30 Oct 2024 14:23:25 +0000 Mapulang Lingga: The Implementation of Yoga Tantra at the D?k?? Pa??ita ?iwa Institution in Gianyar Regency <p>An ideal <em>Pandita, </em>is the center of <em>vidya</em>, an enlightened and enlightening figure. It takes a gradual and time process to become a <em>Pandita. </em>His spiritual ascent was an attempt to institutionalize the essence of <em>para-aparavidya </em>knowledge. In reality, being a <em>Pa??ita </em>is a "tool" to obtain gain respect and privileges in society. As a result, there is an instantiation of the <em>d?k?? </em>process which tends to ignore the essence; becoming a <em>Pa??ita </em>is only a ceremonial legality, a symbolic publication in order to be able to lead the main scale rituals in society. Based on this background, there are three research problems, namely: (1) Why is <em>yoga tantra </em>implemented in the <em>Mapulang Lingga </em>procession of the D?k?? Pa??ita ?iwa Institution in Gianyar Regency?; (2) How is the process of implementing <em>yoga tantra </em>in the <em>Mapulang Lingga </em>procession of the D?k?? Pa??ita ?iwa Institution in Gianyar Regency?; (3) What are the implications of implementing <em>yoga tantra </em>in the <em>Mapulang Lingga </em>procession of the D?k?? Pa??ita ?iwa Institution on the socio- religious life of Hindus in Gianyar Regency?. Furthermore, the data obtained are analyzed using phenomenological theory, religious theory, semiotic theory, modal theory, and reception theory, which are operationalized eclectically, based on qualitative, analytical, interpretive research methods, with a religious science approach especially <em>yoga tantra Shivaistik </em>approach. Implementation of <em>yoga tantra </em>in the <em>mapulang lingga </em>procession of the D?k?? Pa??ita ?iwa Institution in Gianyar Regency, or contemplative spiritual ritual practices in the form of woven supra-rational, ultra-scientific physical-metaphysical science and technology, as an attempt to unite the transcendental elements of the micro-macrocosm (<em>atmalingga </em>with <em>?iwalingga</em>), based on two reasons, namely: first, the Theophilosophical reason, namely the attempt of <em>Pa??ita Nabe </em>to interpret the <em>Kapa??it?n </em>text so that in its functional dimension it remains relevant to the demands of the times. The second reason is the attempt to implement the <em>catur asrama </em>essence which are based on the <em>panca tatwa </em>ideology. Furthermore, the implementation process of <em>yoga tantra </em>in the <em>mapulang lingga </em>procession is reflected through five media, including: <em>mandala </em>(space)<em>, kala </em>(time)<em>, yantra </em>(equipment)<em>, mudra </em>(priestly dance) and <em>mantra </em>(prayers). The implication of implementing <em>yoga tantra </em>in the <em>mapulang lingga </em>procession creates the <em>pa??ita paripurna </em>(full-fledged <em>d?k??</em>) as a representative embodiment of the unrepresentable God called "?iwa Sakala". On the other hand, for society, they have a guidelines for life when they want to realize the values of the religious teachings they believe in, at real practice in society.</p> Ida Bagus Gede Wiradnyana, I Wayan Suka Yasa, I Ketut Donder Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies Wed, 30 Oct 2024 14:24:00 +0000 Reconstruction of Natural and Cultural Tourism in the Peneloku Area, Batur Tengah Village, Kintamani, Bangli <p>This article aims to explore the need for natural and cultural tourism reconstruction in the Penelokan Kintamani Area, Bangli. The area is a very promising natural and cultural tourism potential with a very amazing view of the landscape of Mount Batur. But lately, many tourism infrastructures have been built, such as restaurants, ccffe, and inns that actually cover the shrine. As a result, tourist visits to the area have decreased. That's one of the reasons why researchers are researching this issue. This study uses a qualitative research method with critical qualitative analysis. From the results of the research, there are several contributing factors to the need for natural and cultural tourism reconstruction in the Penelokan area, namely theo-philosophical factors, juridical factors, and sociological factors. The reconstruction process is carried out by adjusting the direction of development with the perception of tourists, increasing tourist visits to the area, and the process of solving reconstruction problems. This problem turns out to have implications for the social, cultural, and economic well-being of the Kintamani community. An interesting finding from this study is that the idea of reconstructing the Penelokan tourist area arises from the fact that <em>first, </em>about 60% of the roads along the Penelokan-Kintamani route, which was previously an open space to see the caldera of Mount Batur, have now been covered by tourism supporting buildings, such as bars, restaurants, <em>coffee</em>, and restaurants. <em>Second, </em>at least 78 buildings were found along the Penelokan-Kintamani road, especially on the east side of the road that violated the RTRW Regional Regulation, because it was established in a conservation area. This results in the closure of the <em>view</em> of&nbsp; the Mount Batur caldera, so that the freedom of tourists to enjoy the Mount Batur caldera is reduced.</p> I Nyoman Nadayana, I Putu Gelgel, I Komang Gede Santhyasa Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies Wed, 30 Oct 2024 14:24:25 +0000 Discursive and Semiotic Approaches to Eradicate Gender Disparities with Special Reference to Sanskrit Textbooks <p>This research aims to come out of the ignorance with which the urban world is full of phenomena like greed, lust, hatred, discrimination, separation and so. Identity of gender and existence has totally changed; woman has become the victim of male domination and patriarchy in personal and private realms. She just needs to follow the voice of the head of the society (patriarchy) manifested in the head of the house- father, and the head of her marriage –husband and when her kids grow up, she even needs to follow the words of her own children. She is the one who never gets equality in her whole life and spends her most of life losing her existence day by day which means there is no Ardhanarishwara in the real world. How these- separations, divorces, discrimination, greed, and hatred impinged in our Indic social pulpit, is the question? It is the ignorance of taking oneself as superior and other being as inferior, caused gender gap. Gender inequality (in rights, power, work, every way) is a universal phenomenon. It is kind of hidden discrimination played against them. All nations have tried to bridge the gap, but it is not completely clogged, despite many laws and socialization, through education, textbooks conferences, lectures, seminars, Books, and many things. So, to explore the ramifications of gender disparity, this research aims at bridging the invisible gap for women and third gender onto scholarly platforms, also in reexamining our epics and Sanskrit textbooks from this point of outlook.</p> Kanta Galani Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies Wed, 30 Oct 2024 14:24:46 +0000 Addressing Lake Nyasa-Malawi Border Dispute between Tanzania and Malawi: From Independence to Present <p>This paper has addressed the on-going problem of Lake Nyasa-Malawi border dispute between Tanzania and Malawi, and analysed the issue from independence to present. This exploratory qualitative research has studied and answered three fold questions; why Tanzania haven’t used violence over Lake Nyasa-Malawi border dispute, how to define and re-define borders as peacebuilding effort, and what are the possible way(s) forward to curb with the withering problem. The findings from documented analysis revealed that Tanzanian leaders use non- violence approach and defensive doctrine to resolve emerging disputes. While Malawi uses Heligoland treaty to define its border over Lake Nyasa-Malawi, Tanzania uses international law to defend its claim over the median line over the Lake. Re-defining border as peacebuilding effort is an important mechanism as borders in Africa are not our creation therefore it is important to re-define our borders to avoid threat of peace. This research suggests the following measures to curb with withering problem, no harm principle that requires states to exercise due diligence in the utilization of shared water resources to avoid significant damage to other basin states where the lake flows in the southern part, the doctrine of no man’s land, and finally resolving disputes is tough and complicated but Africa must unite and do away with borders.</p> Naisiligaki Loisimaye Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies Thu, 31 Oct 2024 22:23:35 +0000