Management and Applied Social Studies Review <p><strong>The Management and Applied Social Studies Review (MASSIV)</strong> welcomes empirical and theoretical articles that are suitable for publication in the Management and Applied Social Studies Review (MASSIV) such as strategic management, marketing, human resource management, financial, culture studies, also economic and social studies.&nbsp;The journal aims to cover the topics and issues in various sub-areas of Management and all disciplines of Social Studies in general. The major and significant purpose of this journal is to highlight the theoretical and applied issues faced by Academia, Researchers, Policy Makers, Managers, and Society in all the disciplines of Applied Management and Social Sciences.&nbsp;The Management and Applied Social Studies Review (MASSIV) is published twice a year, namely in May and November with a number of 5 until 8&nbsp; articles per publication.</p> <p>E-ISSN :&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/aryana02/BARCODE_ISSN-dok_sk_2023_06_BARCODE_29873606001.jpg"></a></p> <p><strong>Management and Applied Social Studies Review (MASSIV) has been indexed on:</strong></p> <p><a href=";hl=en&amp;hl=en&amp;user=yJ1WFwgAAAAJ&amp;scilu=&amp;scisig=ACseELIAAAAAZIcc0IrAKHfzFcxiGtbGVJEyPn8&amp;gmla=AHoSzlWPLWQMMhPnZe1EEPtuPSBOVW8Qpmga9UoYiaSODCniXaBPJZaCYyM9it2obxKjByFnaVD15LO2s5lSwXn30GtAjExWbLRl_p0&amp;sciund=3352588877235477952" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong><img src="/public/site/images/aryana02/GoogleScholar21.jpg"></strong></a></p> <p><strong><a title="GARUDA" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="172" height="53"></a></strong></p> <p><strong><a title="Dimensions" href=";and_facet_source_title=jour.1457448" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="232" height="35"></a></strong></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="license noopener"><img src="" alt="Lisensi Creative Commons" data-pagespeed-url-hash="3572478434"></a><br>Ciptaan disebarluaskan di bawah&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="license noopener">Lisensi Creative Commons Atribusi-BerbagiSerupa 4.0 Internasional.</a>&nbsp;</p> en-US (I Gede Aryana Mahayasa) (I Kadek Noppi Adijaya) Fri, 31 May 2024 07:01:35 +0000 OJS 60 The Effect of Changes in Organizational Structure on Employee Performance with Employee Perceptions as a Mediating Variable <p><strong>Purpose </strong>– The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of changes in organizational structure on employee performance with employee perceptions as a mediating variable.</p> <p><strong>Methodology </strong>- The population in this study was all permanent employees of Perumda Air Minum Tirta Mangutama. The sample was determined using the Slovin formula with the sampling technique used was proportional stratified random sampling, so that 75 respondents were obtained. The data analysis method used was Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) analysis.</p> <p><strong>Findings</strong> – The research results show that changes in organizational structure have a positive and significant effect on employee perceptions, changes in organizational structure have a positive and significant effect on employee performance, and employee perceptions have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. For the mediating influence of employee perceptions, the results show that employee perceptions act as a partial mediator on the influence of changes in organizational structure on employee performance.</p> I Made Suarsa, I Gede Putu Kawiana, Ida I Dewa Ayu Yayati Wilyadewi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Role of Leadership Style in Moderating Quality of Work Life and Emotional Labor on Employee Performance <p><strong>Purpose</strong> - This research aims to analyze the role of quality of work life, and emotional labor which is moderated by leadership style on the performance of employees of private religious colleges in Bali.</p> <p><strong>Methodology</strong> - The location of this research includes three private university campuses with Hindu religious nuances in Bali. The sampling method in this research was a saturated sample, namely all employees at Private Hindu Religious Universities in Bali Province, totaling 100 people. The analytical method used is partial least square (PLS) with structural equation modeling (SEM).</p> <p><strong>Finding</strong> - The results of the research show that quality of work life has a significant influence on employee performance, emotional labor has a significant influence on employee performance, Leadership style does not play a role in moderating the influence of quality of life work on employee performance and leadership style do not play a role in moderating the influence of emotional labor on employee performance.</p> I Putu Darmawan, Ida Ayu Putu Widani Sugianingrat, I Made Astrama ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 31 May 2024 04:41:49 +0000 Increasing Purchase Intention through Storytelling Marketing and Experiential Marketing with Brand Equity as an Intervening Variable <p><strong>Purpose </strong>– Rangrang weaving is a traditional craft product inherited from the ancestors of Nusa Penida, Bali. IKM Ngurah Gallery as a rangrang weaving company, understands the importance of implementing marketing strategies. Proper storytelling and experiential marketing will have a positive impact on increasing consumer purchasing intentions.</p> <p><strong>Methodology </strong>– This research used descriptive quantitative methods, the sample size was 114 respondents, data collection techniques used questionnaires, and data were analyzed using SEM-PLS.</p> <p><strong>Findings</strong> – The result of the research show that storytelling marketing influences purchase intention and experiential marketing influences purchase intention. Storytelling marketing influences brand equity and experiential marketing influences brand equity. Brand equity influences purchase intention. The brand equity variable has a mediating role between the storytelling marketing variable and purchase intention. The brand equity variable has a mediating role between the experiential marketing variable and purchase intention.</p> Kadek Danthiswari Gelgel, I Gusti Ayu Wimba, Ida Ayu Putu Widani Sugianingrat ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 31 May 2024 05:41:53 +0000 The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance through Work Motivation in the Secretariat Denpasar City Region <p><strong>Purpose</strong>- To analyze the influence of transformational leadership style and organizational culture on employee performance through work motivation in the Secretariat Denpasar City Region</p> <p><strong>Methodology</strong>- The population in focus are employees at the regional secretariat in Denpasar City. The sampling technique uses saturated sampling or census. Therefore, the research objects used were 104 employees of the Regional Secretariat in Denpasar City. The analysis in this study uses a path equation model SEM.</p> <p><strong>Findings</strong>- The results of this research indicate that transformational leadership style and organizational culture have a positive effect on the performance and work motivation of Denpasar City Regional Secretariat employees. The transformational leadership style has a positive effect on employee performance through work motivation at the Denpasar City Regional Secretariat. Organizational culture has no effect on employee performance through work motivation at the Denpasar City Regional Secretariat.</p> Ida Ayu Chandra Lestari, I Gusti Ayu Wimba, Ida Ayu Putu Widani Sugianingrat ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 31 May 2024 06:24:54 +0000 Credit Risk and Capital as Moderation of Liquidity on Bank Profitability <p><strong>Purpose </strong>– The aim of the research is to investigate how liquidity affects bank profitability in conditions where there is a trade-off between liquidity and bank profitability.&nbsp;Credit risk and capital are related to bank liquidity. The higher the credit risk, the bank needs to provide reserve funds. When liquidity decreases, it can be increased with additional capital</p> <p><strong>Methodology </strong>– This research looked at 45 commercial banks operating in Indonesia in the 2017-2022 period. Interaction term is measured by the absolute difference of variables.</p> <p><strong>Findings</strong> – The test results show that there is a trade-off between liquidity and profitability, especially in banks with high capital.</p> <p><strong>Originality</strong> – This research uses credit risk and bank capital as moderating variables in the case of banking in Indonesia.</p> G. Oka Warmana, I Wayan Suarjana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 31 May 2024 06:57:24 +0000 Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management: A Systematic Literature Review <p><strong>Purpose </strong>–This study aims to present a comprehensive literature review on the application of AI in key HR functions, such as recruitment, training, performance evaluation, and performance management. This literature review covers the period from 2020 to 2024 to reflect the latest developments in this field.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Methodology </strong>– A systematic analysis of the literature presents important findings related to the benefits, challenges, and trends of integrating AI into HR practices<strong>.</strong> Research highlights how AI can improve efficiency in the recruitment process through deeper data analysis, identification of potential candidates, and prediction of corporate culture fits.</p> <p><strong>Findings</strong> –AI can also be used to provide personalized training according to the individual needs of employees, as well as evaluate performance more objectively through real-time data analysis.</p> <p><strong>Originality</strong> – The contribution of the research results carried out is to provide a better understanding of the role of AI in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of HR management, as well as highlighting future research directions in integrating these technologies more effectively and sustainably.</p> I Putu Putra Astawa, I Gede Aryana Mahayasa ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000