Analisis Usability Testing pada Sistem Informasi Learning Management System (LMS) Universitas Hindu Indonesia Menggunakan Metode System Usability Scale (SUS)
Learning Management System , System Usability Scale, Ease of Use
Higher education in today's digital era faces the challenge of integrating technology effectively to improve the quality of learning. One of the technologies used is the Learning Management System (LMS), which facilitates interaction between lecturers and students in teaching and learning activities. Universitas Hindu Indonesia (UNHI) has adopted LMS as part of its education digitization strategy. However, the effectiveness of using this LMS has not been thoroughly evaluated, especially in terms of ease of use and user satisfaction. This study aims to assess the usability of the LMS at UNHI using the System Usability Scale (SUS) method. By analyzing data from 97 respondents, the results showed a score of 61, which falls within the 'OK' category and grade 'D'. This indicates that although the LMS provides benefits, there are some areas that require improvement. Key findings show that while ease of use is relatively good, there are significant issues with the mobile interface, notification system, and technical capacity. Recommendations for improvement include enhancing the interface for mobile devices, improving the notification system, and increasing technical capacity to improve the user experience. These findings provide important directions for the development of a more efficient and satisfactory LMS at UNHI.References
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[2] A. (2020). S. M. A. dan I. B. M. B. S. B. C. S. (Studi K. B. B. J. (Doctoral dissertation, U. of T. Y. Andalucia, “Andalucia, A. (2020). Sistem Manajemen Administrasi dan Inventori Bengkel Menggunakan Barcode Scanner Berbasis Client Server (Studi Kasus: Bengkel BOS Jogja) (Doctoral dissertation, University of Technology Yogyakarta).,” Andalucia, A. (2020). Sistem Manajemen Administrasi dan Inventori Bengkel Menggunakan Barcode Scanner Berbasis Client Server (Studi Kasus: Bengkel BOS Jogja) (Doctoral dissertation, University of Technology Yogyakarta)..
[3] F. (2019). P. L. M. S. (LMS) S. M. P. untuk S. M. Sederajat. J. T. R. 9 (2), 1-10. Anggriawan, “Anggriawan, FS (2019). Pengembangan Learning Management System (LMS) Sebagai Media Pembelajaran untuk Sekolah Menengah Sederajat. Jurnal Tata Rias , 9 (2), 1-10.,” Anggriawan, FS (2019). Pengembangan Learning Management System (LMS) Sebagai Media Pembelajaran untuk Sekolah Menengah Sederajat. Jurnal Tata Rias , 9 (2), 1-10..
[4] R. T. Hardika, “PENGEMBANGAN LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LMS) DALAM IMPLEMENTASI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN DI PERGURUAN TINGGI,” Perspektif, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 143–150, Oct. 2021, doi: 10.53947/perspekt.v1i2.14.
[5] I. D. , B. I. P. A. , & P. I. M. S. (2020). A. usability A. I. M. heuristic evaluation method. J. Ilm. M. (Menara Penelit. Akad. Teknol. I. 8(2), 89. Indrayani, “Indrayani, I. D., Bayupati, I. P. A., & Putra, I. M. S. (2020). Analisis usability Aplikasi Ibadung Menggunakan heuristic evaluation method. J. Ilm. Merpati (Menara Penelit. Akad. Teknol. Informasi), 8(2), 89.,” Indrayani, I. D., Bayupati, I. P. A., & Putra, I. M. S. (2020). Analisis usability Aplikasi Ibadung Menggunakan heuristic evaluation method. J. Ilm. Merpati (Menara Penelit. Akad. Teknol. Informasi), 8(2), 89..
[6] I. Gusti et al., “Analisis Usability Aplikasi iBadung Menggunakan Heuristic Evaluation Method Analisis Usability Aplikasi iBadung Menggunakan Heuristic Evaluation Method (I Gusti Ayu Agung Diah Indrayani)”.
[8] J. nielsen, “usability 101 introdution to usability,” 2012.
[9] bevan, “usability measurement in context,” 1994.
[10] A. (2010, O. H. K. sebagai parameter penilaian: U. melakukan P. Kegunaan. D. K. I. ke-2 tentang T. dan R. P. L. tahun 2010 (Vol. 2, hlm. V.-256). IEEE. Lodhi, “Lodhi, A. (2010, Oktober). Heuristik Kegunaan sebagai parameter penilaian: Untuk melakukan Pengujian Kegunaan. Dalam Konferensi Internasional ke-2 tentang Teknologi dan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak tahun 2010 (Vol. 2, hlm. V2-256). IEEE.,” Lodhi, A. (2010, Oktober). Heuristik Kegunaan sebagai parameter penilaian: Untuk melakukan Pengujian Kegunaan. Dalam Konferensi Internasional ke-2 tentang Teknologi dan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak tahun 2010 (Vol. 2, hlm. V2-256). IEEE..
[11] R. H. Pawestri, H. Az-Zahra, and A. N. Rusydi, “Evaluasi Usability Aplikasi Mobile menggunakan Usability Testing dan System Usability Scale (SUS) (Studi Kasus: SOCO, Althea dan Sephora),” 2019. [Online]. Available:
[12] J. (2011). A. practical guide to the system usability scale: B. benchmarks & best practices. M. U. LLC. Sauro, “Sauro, J. (2011). A practical guide to the system usability scale: Background, benchmarks & best practices. Measuring Usability LLC.,” Sauro, J. (2011). A practical guide to the system usability scale: Background, benchmarks & best practices. Measuring Usability LLC..
[13] J. (1996). S.-A. Q. and D. U. Scale. U. E. in I. 189, No. 194, 4-7. Brooke, “Brooke, J. (1996). SUS-A Quick and Dirty Usability Scale. Usability Evaluation in Industry 189, No. 194,4-7. ,” Brooke, J. (1996). SUS-A Quick and Dirty Usability Scale. Usability Evaluation in Industry 189, No. 194,4-7. .
[14] K. dan R. B. P. Alfabet. I. Sugiyono. (2019). M. P. K. K. dan R. B. P. Alfabet. Alfabeta. Sugiyono. (2019a). MetodePenelitian Kuantitatif, “Sugiyono. (2019a). MetodePenelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: PT Alfabet. In Sugiyono. (2019). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: PT Alfabet. Alfabeta. ,” Sugiyono. (2019a). MetodePenelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: PT Alfabet. In Sugiyono. (2019). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: PT Alfabet. Alfabeta. .