RESI : Jurnal Riset Sistem Informasi <p>RESI : Jurnal Riset Sistem Informasi sebagai jurnal berkala yang ditujukan untuk mempublikasikan karya ilmiah hasil penelitian pengembangan dan studi pustaka di bidang Sistem Informasi serta aplikasinya. Semua publikasi di Jurnal Riset Sistem Informasi bersifat akses terbuka yang memungkinkan artikel tersedia secara bebas online tanpa berlangganan apapun. Jurnal Sistem Informasi ini terbit dua kali setahun setiap bulan Januari dan Juli setiap tahunnya.&nbsp;</p> en-US (Ida Ayu Utari Dewi, S.T.,M.Si) (I Putu Arsa Aryana) Wed, 29 Jan 2025 04:26:55 +0000 OJS 60 Sistem Informasi Transaksi Berbasis Web pada Koperasi Tri Dasi Caka Tunggal di Desa Pegadungan This research aims to design and implement a transaction information system at the Tri Dasi Caka Tunggal Cooperative in Pegadungan Village. This system development used the Waterfall development method. The methods used for data collection in this research were observation, interviews and literature study. In this research, the testing method uses a set of validation activities, with a black box testing approach. The results of the research show that the implementation of the Web-Based Transaction Information System at the Tri Dasi Caka Tunggal Cooperative in Pegadungan Village uses visual programming. System testing using the black box method from the test results was all successful. Ida Bagus Agung Udaya Yudhamanyu, Luh Putu Cintya Prabandari, Komang Wilan Jaya Copyright (c) 2025 Ida Bagus Agung Udaya Yudhamanyu, Luh Putu Cintya Prabandari, Komang Wilan Jaya Tue, 28 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Analisis Perbandingan Keamanan Data pada Website Repository UNHI dan Website SRUTI UNHI Terhadap Sniffing Process Menggunakan Aplikasi Wireshark The rapid development of information technology has increased the risk of data security in computer networks, especially through information sniffing. Universitas Hindu Indonesia (UNHI) has two web platforms, Repository UNHI and SRUTI UNHI, which use different protocols (HTTP and HTTPS). This research analyzes and compares data security on both websites against sniffing attacks using the Wireshark application and provides insights into the vulnerabilities of the HTTP protocol and the advantages of the HTTPS protocol. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach applied through the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC). Wireshark is used to capture and analyze data packets on the network of both websites. The analysis results show that the Repository UNHI website, which uses HTTP, is highly vulnerable to sniffing attacks, with Wireshark successfully Capturing and reading sensitive data such as usernames and passwords. Conversely, the SRUTI UNHI website, which uses HTTPS, demonstrates a higher level of security as the data transmitted is encrypted. This research indicates that the use of the HTTPS protocol significantly enhances data security compared to HTTP I Made Ramanda Bayu Suputra, I Kadek Andy Asmarajaya, I Kadek Noppi Adi Jaya Copyright (c) Tue, 28 Jan 2025 16:12:42 +0000 Rancang Bangun (SHANTI) Smart Hotspot Fakultas Teknologi Informasi dan Sains Universitas Hindu Indonesia Menggunakan Mikrotik dan Mikhmon Internet connectivity has become an essential need in various contexts, including the campus environment. The Faculty of Information Technology and Science at Hindu University of Indonesia plays a central role as an educational institution that focuses on information technology, making the use of information technology and the internet increasingly crucial in supporting the learning process and administrative activities. The research carried out by researchers to overcome these challenges requires efforts to optimize the use of the MikroTik hotspot network so that it becomes more effective and efficient in the academic environment. Therefore, researchers will design (shanti) smart hotspots, Faculty of Information Technology and Science, Indonesian Hindu University using MikroTik and Mikhmon, by implementing stricter control measures that can be implemented to avoid misuse of internet access, while increasing overall network security in the area faculty environment I Made Buana Mertha, Ida Ayu Utari Dewi, I Putu Mahendra Adi Wardana Copyright (c) Tue, 28 Jan 2025 16:20:20 +0000 Mengukur Tingkat Kematangan Learning Management System (LMS) Menggunakan Framework COBIT 5 Domain MEA dan EDM (Studi Kasus: Universitas Hindu Indonesia) LMS is a platform for managing, delivering and tracking online training or education. COBIT is a framework that will be used for information technology (IT) management and governance. The MEA Domain ensures the system has the appropriate design and controls required to comply with regulatory requirements. Meanwhile, EDM will ensure goals are achieved by evaluating stakeholder needs, conditions and choices. The data collection process used is Interview, Observation, Questionnaire. The process carried out to determine information system technology that is in accordance with the COBIT 5 standard is Maturity Level analysis and Gap Analysis. The Maturity Level of the Learning Management System at Hindu Indonesia University using COBIT 5 MEA and EDM Domains with the COBIT 5 framework reaches Level 4: Predictable Process. The level of gap in the Learning Management System at Indonesian Hindu University is 0.52 in MEA01 and 0.5 in EDM01. To reach Maturity Level 5, managers need to improve the quality of governance, supervision and stakeholder involvement in the LMS management process. Ni Komang Adi Trisnawati, I Kadek Noppi Adi Jaya, Ida Ayu Utari Dewi Copyright (c) Tue, 28 Jan 2025 16:35:58 +0000 Analisis Usability Testing pada Sistem Informasi Learning Management System (LMS) Universitas Hindu Indonesia Menggunakan Metode System Usability Scale (SUS) Higher education in today's digital era faces the challenge of integrating technology effectively to improve the quality of learning. One of the technologies used is the Learning Management System (LMS), which facilitates interaction between lecturers and students in teaching and learning activities. Universitas Hindu Indonesia (UNHI) has adopted LMS as part of its education digitization strategy. However, the effectiveness of using this LMS has not been thoroughly evaluated, especially in terms of ease of use and user satisfaction. This study aims to assess the usability of the LMS at UNHI using the System Usability Scale (SUS) method. By analyzing data from 97 respondents, the results showed a score of 61, which falls within the 'OK' category and grade 'D'. This indicates that although the LMS provides benefits, there are some areas that require improvement. Key findings show that while ease of use is relatively good, there are significant issues with the mobile interface, notification system, and technical capacity. Recommendations for improvement include enhancing the interface for mobile devices, improving the notification system, and increasing technical capacity to improve the user experience. These findings provide important directions for the development of a more efficient and satisfactory LMS at UNHI. Ni Ketut Nopi Ariani, Kadek Oky Sanjaya, I Putu Mahendra Adi Wardana Copyright (c) Wed, 29 Jan 2025 03:59:10 +0000