• Ni Wayan Ari Sudiartini Universitas Mahendradatta
  • Deli Bunga Saravistha Universitas Mahendradatta
  • Ni Putu Decy Arwini Universitas Mahendradatta
Keywords: Double U Mushroom, Tani Jamur, Desa Sibang Gede


Oyster mushrooms are an edible mushroom that are liked by the public because it has a delicious taste and high nutritional value. Oyster mushrooms can be cultivated in a medium (Baglog) which comes from wood dust or lignin material that has been rotted wrapped in plastic and sterilized. The raw material for wood powder is increasingly difficult to obtain due to the reduced use of wood, which causes the price of sawdust to increase and the cost of mushroom production will increase. increase. Mushrooms are one of the exports and domestic consumption commodities that can be made into food with a high taste. The relatively expensive price of mushrooms makes mushroom farmers try to increase their production so they can meet consumer needs. One thing that needs to be addressed is the problem of mushroom breeding. The problem experienced by the Double U Mushroom business is the machine used to make baglog, the machine that must be prepared is the baglog mixing machine itself. Meanwhile, currently, we still buy backlog from collectors for IDR 3,000 – IDR. 3,100 so the profit is very minimal. By increasing mushroom production through the procurement of baglog mixing machines, it is hoped that the Mushroom Business can be optimized and reduce baglog purchasing costs. The marketing of Double U Mushroom has reached both modern traders and traditional traders. The increase in production is also balanced with improvements to the product brand/logo at the Double U Mushroom Business which will be designed with attractive images, colors, and layout so that potential consumers are more interested in buying Double U Mushroom mushrooms by looking at the product logo.


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How to Cite
Sudiartini, N. W., Saravistha, D., & Arwini, N. P. (2024). OPTIMALISASI PENGEMBANGAN USAHA JAMUR TIRAM PADA KELOMPOK TANI JAMUR DI DESA SIBANG GEDE KABUPATENG BADUNG. JURNAL SEWAKA BHAKTI, 10(1), 78-84. https://doi.org/10.32795/jsb.v10i1.4654