Pendampingan Digitalisasi Teknologi Melalui Menu QR Code di Mango Taru Restaurant & Bar

  • I Made Ramanda Bayu Suputra Universitas Hindu Indonesia
  • Ni Luh Gede Sudaryati Universitas Hindu Indonesia
  • I Nyoman Harry Juliarthana Universitas Hindu Indonesia
Keywords: QR Code, Digitalisasi, Menu Digital


The recent development of information and communication technology has transformed various aspects of human life, including in the culinary sector. Mango Taru Restaurant & Bar, as a culinary business actor, is committed to continuously adapting to technological advancements. One of the challenges faced is managing the influx of customers that come simultaneously. The scarcity of menu books often leads to increased customer waiting time, reducing service efficiency and triggering customer dissatisfaction. To address this issue, researchers accompanied Mango Taru Restaurant & Bar in implementing digitization through QR Code scanning technology as a sustainable solution. This accompaniment aims to improve service efficiency, reduce paper waste, and provide a better customer experience. The research employed a qualitative approach involving interviews, observations, and document analysis, resulting in a digitally-based restaurant menu using QR Codes applied in mini flyers and business cards. The results of this accompaniment provide benefits for Mango Taru Restaurant & Bar, reflecting a commitment to environmentally friendly practices, and reinforcing the restaurant's image as an innovative place that offers high-quality culinary experiences. This study illustrates the importance of technological digitization in the culinary industry and presents recommendations to maximize the results of this accompaniment while maintaining a focus on the customer experience.


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How to Cite
Bayu Suputra, I. M., Sudaryati, N. L., & Juliarthana, I. N. (2024). Pendampingan Digitalisasi Teknologi Melalui Menu QR Code di Mango Taru Restaurant & Bar. JURNAL SEWAKA BHAKTI, 10(1), 60-68.