• Luh Nik Oktarini Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis dan Pariwisata Universitas Hindu Indonesia
  • I Ketut Gede Rudita Fakultas Pendidikan dan Seni Universitas Hindu Indonesia
  • Wayan Rizki Widia Pratama Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis dan Pariwisata Universitas Hindu Indonesia
  • I Made Gede Purwaka Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis dan Pariwisata Universitas Hindu Indonesia
  • Ni Made Karina Widyaswari Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis dan Pariwisata Universitas Hindu Indonesia
  • Komang Putri Antini Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis dan Pariwisata Universitas Hindu Indonesia
Keywords: Optimization, Kissidan Eco Hill, Sensory Garden


Desa Sidan has great potential as a sustainable tourist destination, but it requires revitalization to make its infrastructure and facilities more attractive and comfortable. Kissidan Eco Hill, as part of the ecotourism initiative in Desa Sidan, focuses on organic farming and local culture; however, optimizing management and physical revitalization are needed to enhance its appeal. The implementation of community service activities through the revitalization and optimization of Kissidan Eco Hill is designed to position Desa Sidan as a village focused on ecological education and sustainable agriculture. The main program includes educational tours of Subak, Bali's traditional irrigation system, with stages that range from planning and development to implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. The development stage focuses on improving planting media and promotion, while the implementation phase includes planting and the creation of irrigation channels. Monitoring is conducted through routine checks to assess the impact and performance of the program sustainably. Key partners, such as the Head of Sidan Village, village officials, and Kissidan Eco Hill staff, play an essential role in ensuring the smooth operation and success of this program. The optimization of Kissidan Eco Hill can be further enhanced by developing a sensory garden. The available planting area at Kissidan Eco Hill is sufficient to accommodate the planting of various plants that support the establishment of a sensory garden


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How to Cite
Oktarini, L. N., Rudita, I. K. G., Pratama, W. R. W., Purwaka, I. M. G., Widyaswari, N. M. K., & Antini, K. P. (2024). OPTIMALISASI KISSIDAN ECO HILL MENUJU DESA SIDAN SEBAGAI DESA WISATA MELALUI PENGEMBANGAN SENSORY GARDEN. JURNAL SEWAKA BHAKTI, 10(2), 182-189. https://doi.org/10.32795/jsb.v10i2.6676