Pengaruh Keterampilan Kerja, Team Work, dan Motivasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Bagian Produksi pada Art Shop Cahaya Silver di Celuk, Gianyar
Employee performance is the work of an individual from a plan. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work skills, teamwork, and motivation on the performance of production employees at the Cahaya Silver Art Shop in Celuk, Gianyar. This research was conducted at the Cahaya Silver Art Shop in Celuk, Gianyar. The number of samples taken was 32 employees, with a saturated sampling method. The research instrument was tested by validity and reliability tests. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The influence of work skills, teamwork, and motivation on the performance of employees in the production department at the Cahaya Silver Art Shop in Celuk, Gianyar with the t-calculated value of each variable including work skills (X1) 2.172 and t-table value of 1.701 when compared, the t-count value is greater than t-table and t-count values ​​are in the rejection area of ​​Ho, teamwork (X2) 2,342 and t-table value 1.701, motivation (X3) 3,935 and t-table value 1.701 The results of the f-test show that there is the influence of work skills, teamwork, and motivation on the performance of production employees at the Cahaya Silver Art Shop in Celuk, Gianyar.