Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Bauran Pemasaran Dan Citra Merek Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Pada Mcdonald’s Di Kota Denpasar

  • Ni Kadek Sintha Pratiwi Fakultas Ekonomi, Bisnis, dan Pariwisata Universitas Hindu Indonesia
  • I Wayan Suartina Fakultas Ekonomi, Bisnis, dan Pariwisata Universitas Hindu Indonesia
  • Ida Ayu Putu Widani Sugianingat Fakultas Ekonomi, Bisnis, dan Pariwisata Universitas Hindu Indonesia
Keywords: service quality, marketing mix, brand image


Customer loyalty is a commitment that customers hold deeply to buy the product or service being offered. In order for customers to have high loyalty, a company needs to pay attention to the factors that determine customer loyalty. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of service quality, marketing mix and brand image on customer loyalty. This research was conducted at McDonald's company in Denpasar City. The number of samples taken was 100 customers, with probability sampling method, especially simple random sampling. Data collection was carried out through interviews, observation, documentation study, literature study and questionnaires. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. Based on the analysis, it is found that service quality, marketing mix and brand image simultaneously have a significant effect on customer loyalty. Partially service quality has a significant effect on customer loyalty, marketing mix has a significant effect on customer loyalty, and brand image has a significant effect on customer loyalty.

How to Cite
Pratiwi, N. K. S., Suartina, I. W., & Sugianingat, I. A. P. W. (2021). Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Bauran Pemasaran Dan Citra Merek Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Pada Mcdonald’s Di Kota Denpasar. WidyaAmrita: Jurnal Manajemen, Kewirausahaan Dan Pariwisata, 1(1), 94-114.