Pengaruh Korean Wave, Lifestyle dan Content Marketing Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Bigit_Store Di Provinsi Bali
The spread of Korean culture. like K-Pop, K-Cosmetic, K-Fashion, and K-Drama have become easier nowadays especially K-Pop. K-pop fans are notoriously loyal to their idols. They do not hesitate to buy their idol's products as a form of support and love. This makes many parties take advantage of the current K-pop trend as a business opportunity. Many online shops sell K-pop products that are directly imported from their home countries and with the presence of these online shops make it easier for fans to buy their idol products. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of the Korean wave on purchasing decisions at Bigit_Store in Bali Province, to determine the influence of lifestyle on purchasing decisions in Bigit_Store in Bali Province, to determine the influence of content marketing on purchasing decisions in Bigit_Store in Bali Province, The objective of this study is twofold: first, to examine the influence of the Korean wave on purchasing decisions at Bigit_Store in Bali Province; second, to analyze the combined effects of the Korean wave, lifestyle, and content marketing on purchasing decisions at Bigit_Store in Bali Province.This study used a quantitative approach with a survey method using multiple linear regression tests.
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