Pengaruh Harga terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Skincare di Kota Denpasar pada E-Commerce Shopee dengan Kepuasan Konsumen sebagai Variabel Mediasi
The consumer purchasing decision stage involves the desire to buy a favorite product. Consumer decisions are influenced by the level of perceived risk. Perceived risk can cause consumers to change, delay, or avoid decisions. Consumers consider carefully before making a purchasing decision. This research aims to examine the extent to which consumer satisfaction can be a mediating factor in the influence of price on purchasing decisions. This research will also look at how purchasing decisions will be influenced by price variables for MS Glow products in Denpasar City via the Shopee E-Commerce platform. There were 60 research samples involved in this study. Path analysis is a method used for data analysis. Research proves that the influence of purchasing decisions and consumer satisfaction on the price of Ms Glow products in Denpasar City on Shopee E-Commerce is positive and significant. It was also proven that the influence of purchasing decisions on consumer satisfaction with Ms Glow products in Denpasar City on Shopee E-Commerce was also positive and significant. Finally, purchasing decisions are influenced by price through consumer satisfaction with Ms Glow products in Denpasar City on E-Commerce Shopee which is also positive and significant.
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