Pengaruh Beban Kerja, Kompetensi, dan Human Relation terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada CV. Dapur Prima Cabang Panjer Denpasar

  • Ni Made Rahayu Ari Kartika Universitas Hindu Indonesia
  • Putu Yudy Wijaya Universitas Hindu Indonesia
  • Ida Ayu Mashyuni Universitas Hindu Indonesia
Keywords: Beban Kerja, Kompetensi, Human Relation, Kinerja Karyawan


Dapur Prima is one of the advanced retail stores in Bali. Built up in 2008 and giving different family hardware, CV. Dapur Prima could be a retail shop that's looked for after by different bunches. Based on information gotten from CV. Prima Kitchen, Panjer Denpasar Department, found issues with worker execution based on the level of work program realization. Where on the off chance that the lower the realization of the employee's work program, there are signs of issues with the employee's possess execution. This investigate points to decide the impact of workload, competency and human relations on the execution of CV workers. Prima Kitchen, Panjer Denpasar Department. This think about utilized 32 individuals as tests utilizing soaked inspecting. The test strategies utilized are instrument tests for inquire about surveys and numerous straight relapse investigation tests to test inquire about hypotheses. The comes about of this inquire about are that workload somewhat features a negative and noteworthy impact on the execution of CV workers. Prima Kitchen, Panjer Denpasar Department. Competence and human relations in part have a positive and critical impact on CV worker execution. Prima Kitchen, Panjer Denpasar Department. Workload, competency and human relations at the same time have a critical impact on worker execution at CV. Prima Kitchen, Panjer Denpasar Department. Looking at the inquire about comes about, within the future CV. Dapur Prima Panjer Denpasar Department to progress representative execution so that employees are able to accomplish the targets given by the company 


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How to Cite
Ari Kartika, N. M. R., Yudy Wijaya, P., & Mashyuni, I. A. (2024). Pengaruh Beban Kerja, Kompetensi, dan Human Relation terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada CV. Dapur Prima Cabang Panjer Denpasar. WidyaAmrita: Jurnal Manajemen, Kewirausahaan Dan Pariwisata, 4(9), 1809-1816.