Pengaruh Word Of Mouth dan Social Media Marketing terhadap Keputusan Pembelian pada Godamn Kitchen & Bar di Klungkung
A purchase decision is a decision taken by consumers to purchase a product through the stages of a purchase decision. In improving purchasing decisions, there are several factors that can affect performance, including word of mouth and social media marketing. Good word of mouth and social media marketing can increase consumer interest in making purchase decisions. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of word of mouth and social media marketing on the increase in purchase decisions both partially and simultaneously. This research was conducted at Godamn Kitchen & Bar. The population in this study is all consumers at Godamn Kitchen & Bar which totals 11,972, of the total population 100 people are used as research samples with a sampling technique, namely using the slovin technique. Data collection was carried out by observation, interview, literature study, and questionnaire methods measured using the Likert Scale of five answer options starting from strongly disagreeing with the validity and reliability test using SPSS software. The data analysis techniques used are classical assumption test, multiple linear analysis, determination coefficient analysis and simultaneous significance test (t-test and f-test). The results of the analysis showed that word of mouth had a positive and significant effect on purchase decisions, social media marketing had a positive and significant effect on purchase decisions, word of mouth and social media marketing simultaneously had a positive and significant effect on purchase decisions. In this study, the researcher suggested that Godamn Kitchen & Bar add tools to disseminate information and occasionally give away to provoke consumers' interest in posting products. Suggestions for further research in order to be able to research and examine more deeply other factors that are not examined in this study that can influence purchase decisions.
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