Pengaruh Promosi, Harga dan Lokasi Usaha terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Daging Babi pada Ganas Supplier Gianyar Bali
Consumer decisions are closely related to the information they possess and various factors influenced by their knowledge about the product they intend to purchase. The population in this study consisted of 85 respondents. The data analysis method used was multiple regression analysis. Based on the results of the test analysis, the variables of promotion, price, and business location each had a positive and significant impact on purchasing decisions at Ganas Supplier Gianyar. Simultaneously, promotion, price, and business location also had a significant impact on purchasing decisions at Ganas Supplier Gianyar. The recommendations provided for the company include that Ganas Supplier Gianyar should adapt to current trends by distributing products to remote areas using various available shipping services. Regarding pricing, future researchers are advised to pay closer attention to the price-value alignment received by the buyers, as it is one of the key factors that greatly influences consumer decisions. As for the business location, future researchers are encouraged to establish the business location by analyzing the market share and consumer preferences, so that the products offered can optimally enhance purchasing decisions.
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