Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja, Motivasi Kerja dan Etos Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai di Kantor Camat Tembuku Kabupaten Bangli
There is attention and findings regarding problems regarding the work environment, work motivation and work ethic in an effort to improve and increase employee performance in accordance with the aim of this research to determine the influence of the work environment, work motivation and work ethic on employee performance at the Tembuku Subdistrict Office, Bangli Regency. The population in this study were 38 employees at the Tembuku Subdistrict Office, Bangli Regency, without including the Head of the Subdistrict Office as the leader who assessed employee performance. Meanwhile, the number of samples in this study was 38 people. The sampling technique uses the saturated sampling method. The analysis technique used is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The results of the research show that the work environment, work motivation and work ethic have a positive and significant influence partially and simultaneously on employee performance, so the hypothesis states that the work environment, work motivation and work ethic have a positive and significant influence partially and simultaneously on employee performance in the office The Head of Tembuku Subdistrict, Bangli Regency, was accepted. Suggestions that can be given to agencies include 1) It is hoped that employees will increase their cohesiveness and collaborate with their colleagues in completing tasks and work. 2) Leaders should be able to appreciate the work efforts of employees in the agency, so that employees can contribute more in doing their work. 3) It is hoped that all employees will increase their discipline towards their time at work. 4) It is recommended that employees utilize their free time by working on unfinished work.
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