WIDYANATYA https://ejournal.unhi.ac.id/index.php/widyanatya <p><strong>Widyanatya: </strong><strong>Journal of Religious and Art</strong><strong>s</strong><strong> Education</strong> is published by the Faculty of Education, Indonesian Hindu University. The Widyanatya Journal publication is intended as a forum for academics/ lecturers to express their thoughts, ideas, research results, as well as the development of scientific insights, especially in the fields of religious and arts education. As an academic information media, Widyanatya presents a space for scientific discourse, academic-theoretical dialogue, which can later be used as references for scientific writing for students, lecturers, and academic people. The focus and the thematic scope of the Widyanatya covers studies in the religious and arts education.</p> <p>-------------------------------------</p> <p><strong>Widyanatya: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama dan Seni</strong>&nbsp;diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Pendidikan, Universitas Hindu Indonesia. Penerbitan Jurnal Widyanatya dimaksudkan sebagai wadah bagi para akademisi/ dosen untuk menuangkan pemikiran, ide, gagasan, hasil riset, sekaligus pengembangan wawasan keilmuan khususnya di bidang pendidikan agama dan seni. Sebagai media informasi akademik, Jurnal Widyanatya menghadirkan ruang diskursus ilmiah, dialog akademik-teoretik, yang nantinya bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai referensi penulisan ilmiah bagi para mahasiswa, dosen, dan insan akademis. Fokus dan ruang lingkup tematik Jurnal Widyanatya meliputi studi-studi Pendidikan Agama dan Seni.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US widyanatya@unhi.ac.id (Ida Ayu Gede Yadnyawati) artawan@unhi.ac.id (I Nengah Artawan) Mon, 30 Oct 2023 10:43:28 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 DIMENSI SOSIOLOGI DALAM AKTIVITAS RITUAL UMAT HINDU DI PURA AGUNG JAGATNATHA DENPASAR https://ejournal.unhi.ac.id/index.php/widyanatya/article/view/4868 <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <em>In essence, every Hindu ritual activity is a social action that cannot be separated from a touch of psychology. This means that what Hindus do with their various ritual activities is an expression of devotion shown through socio-religious behavior. Sociologically, the continuation of ritual activities is a form of social obedience in carrying out the teachings of Yadnya which is bound by communal/collegial ties based on traditional life. This article aims to reveal that there is a sociological dimension in every ritual activity (yadnya) of Hindus. This study was carried out using a qualitative approach using observation, interview and document study techniques, then presented in an interpretative descriptive manner.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: harmonization, sociology, psychology, ritual.</em></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> I Gusti Ketut Widana Widana, Ni Wayan Sadri Sadri, I Gde Widya Suksma Suksma, I Putu Dia Antara Antara ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ejournal.unhi.ac.id/index.php/widyanatya/article/view/4868 Mon, 30 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 MULAT SARIRA: SEBUAH KONTEMPLASI DALAM KONSTRUKSI KESADARAN SPIRITUAL https://ejournal.unhi.ac.id/index.php/widyanatya/article/view/4869 <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>Human certainly want something that can be subject to self-awareness. In order for humans to be submissive with awareness, of course, mental processing is needed. </em><em>This inner exercise is a process towards being creative. Humans are born should be able to create an inner condition by having an attitude that is always grateful for the gifts and abundance of His love. The point is that humans can be as they are to always be able to prostrate and be grateful is itself an awareness. This awareness must always be nurtured so that it can be stable in facing the realities of life. Through asceticism that is always introspective and self-introspective (mulat sarira) which will eventually reach a spiritual level of awareness. This is the path of seeking inwardly, by always holding on to dharma (truth). All of us should be able to forgive each other and share information towards self-transformation. The goal is for all human beings to experience inner and outer happiness. However, in the current situation, people always speculate about teaching and guiding mankind through religious doctrines. Actually, practical life is needed through a simple way of life, but having and being able to develop brilliant thoughts and see the world with its various different phenomena as one unit from big family (vasudeva kutumbakam).</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Mulat Sarira, Self-Introspection, Vasudeva kutumbakam</em></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Gusti Ngurah Yoga Semadi Semadi, Putu Sabda Jayendra Jayendra, I Nengah Artawan Artawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ejournal.unhi.ac.id/index.php/widyanatya/article/view/4869 Mon, 30 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PEMBELAJARAN MENABUH GAMELAN ANGKLUNG DI BANJAR JEMPINIS DESA ADAT PERERENAN, KECAMATAN MENGWI, KABUPATEN BADUNG https://ejournal.unhi.ac.id/index.php/widyanatya/article/view/4870 <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;<em>Art is a complex of elements that is very popular with residents, so it seems as if it dominates Balinese life. The art of karawitan is an important part of Balinese life that has been inherited since ancient times. There are two types of Angklung gamelan in the Pererenan area, namely in Banjar Jempinis and in Banjar Pengembungan. Banjar Jempinis is part of Pererenan Village which is located in Mengwi District. The problems and objectives of this study are; to find out about learning to play the angklung gamelan. To understand the process of learning to play the angklung gamelan. To find out the implications in learning to play the angklung gamelan. The method approach used is a qualitative method because there is more primary and secondary data in the field. Data was collected using observation techniques, interviews and completed using a triangulation approach before being concluded as research results. An analytical approach using learning theory and functional theory in analyzing the problem. The findings of this research show that apart from the learning methods generally used, conventional learning methods are also used in learning gemelan angklung in Banjar Jempinis Mengwi. Found that there are educational values ??that are applied which are related to scientific learning of art, social values, religious values ??and also character.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Learning, Gamelan Angklung, Banjar Jempinis.</p> I Nyoman Winyana, Winyana, I Nyoman Surianta, Surianta, Ni Luh Putu Trisdyani Trisdyani, I Gusti Agung Ngurah Harry Chandra Diva Diva ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ejournal.unhi.ac.id/index.php/widyanatya/article/view/4870 Mon, 30 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PENGUATAN NILAI PENDIDIKAN LEWAT GAMELAN GANDRUNG DALAM UPACARA PIODALAN NGINGKUP DI PURA TAMAN LIMUT, PENGOSEKAN KELOD, MAS, UBUD, GIANYAR https://ejournal.unhi.ac.id/index.php/widyanatya/article/view/4878 <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>ABSTRACT</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Gandrung Gamelan is a Balinese gamelan which is a rare type of gamelan, not many areas in Bali, especially in Gianyar Regency, have Gandrung Gamelan, while several areas in the Gianyar Regency area that have Gandrung Gamelan are Banjar Tegenungan, Banjar Pakuwudan, Banjar Sebali, Susut Traditional Village, and Banjar Pengosekan Kelod. Gandrung Gamelan. Like the Gandrung Gamelan at Taman Limut Temple, Banjar Pengosekan Kelod, this Gandrung Gamelan has a unique instrument, its sacred function, where the Gandrung Gamelan at Taman Limut Temple is performed every time the Piodalan Ngingkup is held. Why is the Gamelan Gandrung tradition in the Ngingkup Ceremony at Taman Limut Temple still carried out and what is its educational value to society? The aim of the research is to explain the educational value contained in the Gandrung gamelan tradition. In this research, a qualitative approach is more appropriate to be developed on the grounds that the data obtained from observations, interviews and document studies are spread across the Pengosekan community area. The discussion in it also involves aesthetic and behaviorist theories. The results of his research found that the presence of Gandrung gamelan for society has educational value as an important form of bond in maintaining ritual life as a form of strengthening the existence of religion.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords</em><em>: gamelan music, educational value, limut garden.</em></p> I Wayan - Sukadana, I Putu Gede Padma Sumardiana -, I Putu Agustana -, Pande Gde Eka Mardiana -, I Komang Gede Sandanu Arta - ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ejournal.unhi.ac.id/index.php/widyanatya/article/view/4878 Mon, 30 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 GENDING DONGKANG MENEK BIU SEBAGAI MATERI PEMBELAJARAN DASAR GENDER WAYANG DI SANGGAR DEWA RUCI, DESA SIBANG KAJA https://ejournal.unhi.ac.id/index.php/widyanatya/article/view/4879 <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Education has an important role in introducing individuals to culture and shaping their behavior according to the culture adopted. Education can be divided into 3, namely formal, non-formal and informal. Gending dongkang menek biu is a form of non-formal education to preserve the art of gender wayang in Sibang Kaja Village. Based on this, the problems that can be raised are: What are the forms, methods and implications of learning gending dongkang menek biu as basic learning material for gender wayang at the Dewa Ruci Studio, Sibang Kaja Village. This research uses observation, interview and document stadi methods. The collected data was analyzed using qualitative descriptive techniques. This research uses aesthetic theory, constructivism and behaviorism. The result is the form of gending dongkang menek biu as basic learning material for wayang gender in Sibang Kaja Village, namely the structure consists of three parts which can be said to be palette 1, palette 2, and palette 3. The learning method for gending dongkang menek biu as basic learning material for wayang gender in Sibang Kaja Village uses the pelvic meguru, munyi meguru, and ear meguru methods. The implications of learning the gending dongkang menek biu as basic learning material for wayang gender in Sibang Kaja Village are in the cognitive, adaptive and psychomotor domains.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Gending Dongkang Menek Biu, Basic Learning, Gender Puppet</p> I Ketut Gede Rudita -, I Wayan Arissusila -, Ida Bagus Karang Dyatmika - ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ejournal.unhi.ac.id/index.php/widyanatya/article/view/4879 Mon, 30 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 EKSTRAKURIKULER DHARMA GITA MEMBANGUN SIKAP SUPUTRA PADA SISWA https://ejournal.unhi.ac.id/index.php/widyanatya/article/view/4880 <h1><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></h1> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ethical education (morals) is very important as time goes by. With so many cases and phenomena indicating a decline in the moral and ethical qualities of the nation's children, schools are expected to be a place for internalizing the values ??of Hindu religious education in moral and moral teachings as the initial foundation for students to get along with their environment. As research material, researchers formulate several problems that will seek solutions, namely: 1) How is the process of internalizing the values ??of Hindu religious education through Dharmagita extracurriculars at SD No. 2 Kerobokan? 2) What are the factors that influence the process of internalizing the values ??of Hindu religious education through the Dharmagita extracurricular at SD No. 2 Kerobokan? 3) What are the Implications of Internalizing the Values ??of Hindu Religious Education through Dharmagita Extracurriculars for Suputra students at SD No. 2 Kerobokan?</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; As a theoretical framework in describing the problems above, the researcher examines it with several theories, namely: cognitive theory, behavioristic theory, humanistic theory. In this study, researchers used a qualitative research design with a case study research design and data collection using observation, interviews and document recording methods.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Based on the research that has been carried out, the following results are obtained: first, the process of internalizing the values ??of Hindu religious education through the Dharma Gita extracurricular at SD No. 2 Kerobokan, including: Extracurricular learning begins with initial activities, continues with core activities, and ends with activities end). Second, the factors that influence the process of internalizing the values ??of Hindu religious education through the Dharma Gita extracurricular at SD No. 2 Kerobokan: Internal factors (talent or innate, motivation), external factors (peers, the role of parents, cultural/multicultural diversity, social media). Third, the implications of internalizing the values ??of Hindu religious education through the Dharma Gita extracurricular for Suputra students at SD No. 2 Kerobokan: students become interested in learning the Dharma Gita, being polite, honest, cultured, ethical, moral, and with character.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Extracurricular, Dharma Gita, Suputra Students</em></p> I Gusti Ayu Suasthi -, Komang Agus Triadi Kiswara -, Ida Ayu Putu Sari -, Ni Komang Ayu Restiti - ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ejournal.unhi.ac.id/index.php/widyanatya/article/view/4880 Mon, 30 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 BUSANA KEPANDITAAN HINDU BALI https://ejournal.unhi.ac.id/index.php/widyanatya/article/view/4882 <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A Pandita or more widely known as Sulinggih in Bali, apart from being regulated by the provisions of the kasulinggihan gym (behavior), is also regulated by how to dress. Pandita or Sulinggih clothing is regulated in several literary sources such as Siwa Sasana and Silakrama, including several provisions that are made and regulate the conditions for Sulinggih clothing according to the aguron-guron or penbean system. There are two types of dressing procedures as a Pandita or Sulinggih, namely clothing worn daily or not in order to carry out the duties of ngelokapalasraya and clothing when ngelokapalasraya leads a yadnya. Some important clothing for a Pandita or Sulinggih when leading a yadnya ceremony include; wastra, kampuh, kawaka, pepetet, sinjang, santog, slimpet/sampet/paragi, kakasang, rudrakacatan aksamala, kanta bharana, karna bharana/kundala/gondala, astha bharana/guduita/gudhuha, angustha bharana, bhawa/ketu/amakuta/swetambhawa , and sign.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Clothing, Pandita, Balinese Hinduism</p> Ida Bagus Purwa Sidemen -, I Ketut Winantra -, I Kadek Satria -, Ida Bagus Ngurah Bradijaya Manuaba - ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ejournal.unhi.ac.id/index.php/widyanatya/article/view/4882 Mon, 30 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 SAKRALISASI TARI TELEK DALAM UPACARA PIODALAN DI PURA DALEM, DESA ADAT PANJER DENPASAR SELATAN https://ejournal.unhi.ac.id/index.php/widyanatya/article/view/4883 <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Telek dance is a type of sacred dance which is always performed during the piodalan ceremony at the village temple which is held in the Panjer Indigenous village, South Denpasar. Research was carried out to answer the problem formulation which consists of: 1) How is the sacredness of the Telek dance in the piodalan ceremony at the Dalem Temple , Panjer Traditional Village, South Denpasar? 2) What is the function of the Telek Dance performance in the Piodalan Ceremony at Dealem Temple, Panjer Traditional Village, South Denpasar? 3) What educational values do Hindu religious dance arts contain in the form of the Telek Dance Performance in the Piodalan Ceremony at Pura Dalem, Panjer Traditional Village, South Denpasar? There are 4 theories used in this research, namely: (1) Religious Theory, (2) Structural Functional Theory, (3) Behavioristic Theory. Based on this analysis, the following conclusions were obtained in the research results: 1). Sacredization of Telek Dance 2). The function of Telek Dance Performance is: a). Functions of Bebali Dance. b). Religious Function. i). Cultural Preservation Function. j). Documentation 3). The educational value of Hindu religious dance contained in the form of the Telek dance performance in the Piodalan ceremony at Pura Dalem, Panjer Traditional Village, South Denpasar is: a). The Value of Sacred Education. b). Hindu Aesthetic Values c). The Value of Ethics and Moral Education</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Sacralization, Telek Dance, Piodalan Ceremony</em></p> Ida Ayu Gede Prayitna Dewi -, Anak Agung dwi Dirgantini -, I Komang Dedi Diana -, Ni Wayan Darmayanti - ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ejournal.unhi.ac.id/index.php/widyanatya/article/view/4883 Mon, 30 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 TARI SANDAR SEBAGAI MEDIA NAUR SESANGI DI DESA ADAT SESEH, KECAMATAN MENGWI, KABUPATEN BADUNG https://ejournal.unhi.ac.id/index.php/widyanatya/article/view/4885 <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Hindu religious life in Bali cannot be separated from sincere moral and material offerings which we call Yadnya. Hindus in Bali also emphasize the form of offerings or Yadnya as a medium for the realization of sradha and bhakti, therefore the existing culture and traditions can be applied to support the yadnya itself. Regarding Yadnya, art always appears as part of the ceremony. Like in the Seseh Traditional Village which has the Sandar dance as a medium for Naur Sesangi. Based on this, the problems raised in this case are: (1) What is the function of the Sandar Dance as a Naur Sesangi Media in the Seseh Traditional Village (2) What educational values are contained in the Sandar Dance as a Naur Sesangi Media in the Seseh Traditional Village. The research took the form of a qualitative design using observation techniques, interviews, documentation studies and dissection with Religious theory and Value theory.</em></p> <p><em>Based on this analysis, the following research results were obtained: (1) The function of the Sandar Dance as a medium for Naur Sesangi in the Seseh Traditional Village, namely, (a) Religious Function, (b) Social Function, (c) Function to Repel Evil, (2) Value contained in the Sandar Dance as a medium for Naur Sesangi in the Seseh Traditional Village, namely, (a) Tattwa Educational Values, (b) Ethical Educational Values, (c) Hindu Sociocultural Educational Values, (d) Aesthetic Values.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keyword</em></strong><em>s: Sandar Dance, Naur Sesangi.</em></p> I Made Sugiarta -, Ni Luh Putu Wiwin Astari -, I Kadek Sumadiyasa -, Ni Kadek Elis Sukmarini - ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ejournal.unhi.ac.id/index.php/widyanatya/article/view/4885 Mon, 30 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000