Pengaruh Motivasi Ekonomi, Motivasi Karir Dan Persepsi Mengenai Profesi Akuntan Publik Terhadap Minat Menjadi Akuntan Publik

Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi Program S1 Universitas Hindu Indonesia

  • Ni Kadek Ayu Bella Yunitha Universitas Hindu Indonesia
  • I Putu Deddy Samtika Putra Universitas Hindu Indonesia
Keywords: Economic motivation, career motivation, perception of the public accounting profession, interest in becoming a public accountant


In order to take accounting professional education can be influenced by interest which is an individual's interest in the public accounting profession. There is a relationship between students' interest in becoming public accountants and the minimal number of public accountants. People’s desire to become public accountants is relatively low. This study aims to determine the influence of economic motivation, career motivation and perceptions of public accountants on interest in becoming public accountants. This research was conducted on students majoring in accounting Class of 2019 at the Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, Hindu University of Indonesia. The number of samples taken was 141 people, using the slovin formula. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires. The technical data analysis used is multiple linear regression. This study provides results that show that economic motivation, career motivation, and perceptions of the public accounting profession affect the interest of accounting students of Hindu University of Indonesia to become public accountants.


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How to Cite
Yunitha, N. K. A., & Samtika Putra, I. P. D. (2024). Pengaruh Motivasi Ekonomi, Motivasi Karir Dan Persepsi Mengenai Profesi Akuntan Publik Terhadap Minat Menjadi Akuntan Publik. Hita Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 5(3), 176-186.

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