Peer Review Proccess


Setiap artikel yang dikirimkan akan ditinjau secara independen oleh dua peer review. Proses peninjauan menggunakan metode Double Blind. Keputusan untuk publikasi, amandemen, atau penolakan didasarkan pada laporan / rekomendasi mereka. Setelah ditinjau, akan ada empat jenis keputusan editor berdasarkan rekomendasi pengulas:

Accept Submission: Kiriman akan diterima tanpa revisi.
Revisions Required: Pengajuan akan diterima setelah perubahan kecil telah dibuat.
Resubmit for Review: Pengajuan harus dikerjakan kembali, tetapi dengan perubahan signifikan, dapat diterima. Namun, ini membutuhkan tinjauan putaran kedua.
Decline Submission: Pengajuan tidak akan dipublikasikan di jurnal.

Each article submitted will be reviewed independently by two peer reviews. The review process uses the Double Blind method. Decisions for publication, amendments or rejection are based on the reports/recommendations of the reviewers. After the reviews, there will be four types of editorial decisions based on the reviewers’ recommendations:

> Accept Submission: The submitted article will be accepted without revision.

> Revisions Required: The submitted article will be accepted after small changes have been made.

> Resubmit for Review: The submitted article must be reworked, but with significant changes until it is acceptable. However, this requires a second round of review.

> Decline Submission: The submitted article will not be published in the journal.