Pengaruh Tingkat Investasi, Nilai Tukar Rupiah dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi terhadap Tingkat Pengangguran

  • Made Santana Putra Adiyadnya Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Mahasaraswati
  • Ni Nyoman Adityarini Abiyoga Vena Swara Prodi Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Pariwisata, Universitas Hindu Indonesia
Keywords: economy development, economy growth, macro economy, unemployment


Economic development is a process increase in real income of the population in a country as sustainably. Macroeconomy growth becomes one of the indicators for rate economic conditions in a country. Unemployment in the macroeconomy is a complicated problem from human resources in each country, including Indonesia. Bali province is one of the provinces that have a very tight population, so there are many workers and unemployment. The purpose of this study are to know the effect of economic growth, inflation and investation partially to open unemployment rate of Bali Province and to know the effect of economic growth, inflation and investation simultaneously to open unemployment rate of Bali Province. The result of this research are economic growth variable partially has a negative and significant effect on to open unemployment rate of Bali Province, while the inflation variable partially has an insignificant effect on to open unemployment rate of Bali Province, and investation variable partially has a positive and significant effect to open unemployment rate of Bali Province. The last one, that economic growth, inflation, and investation simultaneously have a significant effect to open unemployment rate of Bali Province.


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How to Cite
Putra Adiyadnya, M. S., & Swara, N. N. A. A. V. (2021). Pengaruh Tingkat Investasi, Nilai Tukar Rupiah dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi terhadap Tingkat Pengangguran. Widya Manajemen, 3(2), 107-116.