International Journal of Interreligious & Intercultural Studies (IJIIS)

The International Journal of Interreligious & Intercultural Studies (IJIIS) is a worldwide, peer-reviewed publication for students, academics, scientists, researchers and observers on topics surrounding religion, culture and all their interaction with social, political and economic realities, globalization, industry and other phenomena that significantly affect human lives in various parts of the world.

IJIIS expects to publish articles that investigate, critically assess, and foster intellectual exchanges at the theoretical, philosophical as well as applied levels of knowledge on interreligious and intercultural matters. Its main purpose is to generate scholarly exchanges of ideas, criticisms, and debates on the realities of religious life in a complex, multicultural world.

IJIIS welcomes any original research articles, scientific essays, and book reviews that explore various avenues for religious cooperation, healthy interaction, and conversion, as well as multi-subjective forms of participation in religious rituals and cultural festivities. IJIIS is particularly interested in articles and essays, which specifically deal with the following themes:
‘Baliology’ or the science of Bali Hinduism, history, social, cultural, language and literature, philosophy and local wisdom, health, security, ecology, agriculture, cosmology, astrology, architecture, mythology, culinary, art, music and performances, economy, etc. It assumes a placed-based knowledge that interacts with other traditions, cultures, globalization, tourism industry, and others.
Hinduism in relation to other religions and beliefs around the world, including Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and indigenous beliefs.
Sociocultural, ethnic diversity, norms, and values in the context of a globalized and digitalized world.
Multi-, inter- and trans-disciplinary methodologies in examining religion and culture.
Secular worldviews in a variety of religious and cultural-specific contexts.

IJIIS, therefore, invites advanced students, academics, scientists, researchers, and observers to submit articles to be considered by the Editors. Submissions are categorized into three: articles, essays, and book reviews. Each one is described below:

Articles should be based on original, state-of-the-art scientific research that interrogates pertinent issues that interest IJIIS readers. They should discuss broad problems that relate directly to interreligious and intercultural studies. Articles should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words, excluding notes. With notes, articles should not exceed 10,000 words.

Essays, by definition, are formal, linear writings that build upon one specific argument. Essays are expected to be less scientific with little or no references. Submissions should be between 3,000 and 5,000 words, inclusive of references if any.

Book Reviews
Book reviews are analyses of scholarly books written by other scientists, academics, researchers, and writers, which focus and examine the content, style, argument, data, use of theory, and implications of the work in question. All book reviews should not exceed 2,000 words.

Article Template

Authors are requested to use IJIIS manuscripts template