IJIIS License Term

Copyright @2018. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial used, distribution and reproduction in any medium

 Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

It is a legal requirement for an author to sign a copyright agreement of some kind before publication. IJIIS authors wishing to make their article open access must sign an Open Access Agreement. IJIIS authors can use their article in a number of ways, including in publications of their own work and course packs in their institution. Author re-use rights vary between journals. Please refer to the copyright form you have signed or are required to sign to review the applicable re-use rights.

Protecting intellectual property. Publishers are legally required to have explicit authority from an author to publish an article. The IJIIS authors deciding which copyright arrangement they require from the range of options we provide, a brief and abridged description of which is provided below:
- Online Open and Open Access Agreements. IJIIS requires authors wishing to make their article open access to sign an Open Access Agreement providing for the article to be made available under one of the Creative Commons Licenses in order to meet the terms of open access publication and ensure the widest possible dissemination. The Creative Commons website explains how these licenses work. At the time of writing these guidelines, IJIIS uses Creative Commons Licenses CC-BY-NC-SA

When signing “Contributor Representations,” authors confirm that:
- The contribution is his/her own work
- All individuals identified as contributors have actually contributed to the article
- All individuals who contributed are listed
- Authors have informed his/her fellow contributors of the terms of the Agreement and obtained their permission in writing to enter into it on their behalf
- The contribution is submitted only to the specified journal and has not been published before
- Authors have obtained written permission from the copyright owners to reproduce any material owned by third parties, and that authors have included appropriate acknowledgment within the text of his/her contribution
- That the contribution contains no libelous or unlawful statements, does not infringe upon the rights or the privacy of others, and does not contain any material or instructions that might cause harm or injury.
The Contributor or, if applicable, the Contributor’s Employer, retains all proprietary rights other than copyright, such as patent rights, in any process, procedure, or article of manufacture described in the contribution. Contributors may re-use unmodified abstracts for any non-commercial purpose. For online use of the abstract, IJIIS encourages but does not require linking back to the final published contribution. Contributors may use the articles in teaching duties and in other works such as theses. Contributors may re-use figures, tables, data sets, artwork, and full text from their contributions without seeking permission, provided the following conditions are met:
- Full and accurate credit must be given to the contribution.
- Modifications to the figures, tables, and data must be noted. Otherwise, no changes may be made.
- The reuse may not be made for direct commercial purposes, or for financial consideration to the Contributor
- Re-use rights shall not be interpreted to permit dual publication in violation of journal ethical practices. Additional re-use rights are set forth in the actual copyright agreement.