“Ngedeblag” Traditions In Socio-Cultural Community Life At Pakaraman Kemenuh Village, Sukawati Subdistrict, District Of Gianyar

  • I Nyoman Sri Winarti Hindu University of Indonesia
Keywords: Tradition, Ngedeblag, Social Culture Life.


Ngedeblag” tradition in Pakraman Kemenuh Village is an activity that is carried out every year, starting on Såsih Kalima and has been passed down from generation to generation by village manners. This tradition symbolizes honoring tribute to bhuta kala for establishing safety, secrecy, prosperity and neutralizing all negative matters. Moreover, this tradition likewise believed to maintain environmental harmony in Pakraman Kemenuh Village, balancing the elements of Bhuana alit and Bhuana Agung, increasing sraddha and devotion of the Hindu’s to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa* through the medium of offerings (upakara / banten) establishing a closer relation and people's belief in the majesty of God Almighty. Ngedeblag tradition as its religious function explained as balancing relationship between humans and natures surroundings symbolized by “banten caru” offering to the Bhuta Kala. The following function of this tradition is explained as social function where Ngedeblag tradition becomes a unifying medium among citizens establishing harmonious relationship. Thus, Ngedeblag is explained as repelling evil tradition, in this case it is used to reject the entire negative aura created by the bhuta kala during sasih kalima to sasih kasanga.


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How to Cite
Sri Winarti, I. N. (2024). “Ngedeblag” Traditions In Socio-Cultural Community Life At Pakaraman Kemenuh Village, Sukawati Subdistrict, District Of Gianyar. International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies, 7(1), 35-44. https://doi.org/10.32795/ijiis.vol7.iss1.2024.5414