Peer Review Proccess


Semua naskah yang dikirimkan bersifat ilmiah, dibaca oleh staf editorial. Naskah-naskah yang dievaluasi oleh editor yang tidak sesuai dengan kriteria jurnal ditolak segera tanpa tinjauan eksternal. Naskah yang dinilai berpotensi menarik bagi pembaca kami dikirim ke 2 orang peninjau dengan sistem double blind. Para editor kemudian membuat keputusan berdasarkan rekomendasi peninjau dari beberapa kemungkinan: ditolak, memerlukan revisi besar, perlu revisi kecil, atau diterima.

Pemimpin Redaksi Sustainable, Planning and Culture (SPACE) : Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota memiliki hak untuk memutuskan manuskrip mana yang akan dimasukkan ke jurnal untuk diterbitkan.

 Proses Peninjauan:

  1. Penulis menyerahkan naskah
  2. Evaluasi Editor [beberapa orang ditolak atau dikembalikan sebelum proses peninjauan]
  3. Proses tinjauan double-blind
  4. Keputusan Editor
  5. Konfirmasi kepada penulis



All scientific manuscript are read by editorial staff. Manuscripts that are evaluated by editors that do not meet the journal criteria are rejected immediately without external review. Manuscripts that are considered potentially interesting for our readers are sent to two double blind reviewers. The editors then make decisions based on the reviewer's recommendations of several possibilities: rejected, require major revisions, need minor revisions, or are accepted.

The Chief Editor in Sustainable, Planning and Culture (SPACE): Journal of Regional and Urban Planning has the right to decide which manuscripts to submit to the journal that must be published.

 Review Process:

  1. The author submits the manuscript
  2. Editor's evaluation [some people were rejected or returned before the review process]
  3. Double-blind peer review process
  4. Editor's Decision
  5. Confirmation to the author