The Value of Pancasila in Foundation Financial Accountability Practices

  • Cokorda Gde Bayu Putra Universitas Hindu Indonesia
  • Ni Komang Sumadi Universitas Hindu Indonesia
  • Ni Ketut Muliati Universitas Hindu Indonesia
Keywords: accountability, financial, pancasila, foundation


The main objective of this paper is to explain The Value of Pancasila in Foundation Financial Accountability Practices. Financial accountability is a demand that attempts to
not only ensure that fiancial governance is well effiient, but also to create public trust. The compilation and submission of fiancial reports is one approach of applying fiancial
accountability procedures in a non-profi organization that engages with the public. Through the phenomenological approach, it is found that applications of the teaching of God, Human Value, Spirit of Unity, Spirit of Collaborative, and Justice that constitute Pancasila’s spirit also inspire the Foundation’s spirit of accountability implementation.


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How to Cite
Putra, C. G. B., Sumadi, N. K., & Muliati, N. K. (2022). The Value of Pancasila in Foundation Financial Accountability Practices. International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies, 5(1), 59-73.

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