Predicament of Knowledge Society: An Inquiry
This study sets out to establish conceptual demarcations, more concordant to the theoretical acquisition with regard to the knowledge society. The knowledge society is a form of society in which members are examining ideas constantly. In Knowledge society there ought to be communicative rationality, wherein, arguments and receptive audiences are very important. The communicative phenomena in the knowledge society, knowledge should be participatory. This will occur only when society is knowledgeable and should have the potency to think, participate and respond critically.
This type of knowledge domain will go beyond information because mere information is not knowledge, it requires Understanding and perception, imaginative framework, communicative and creative framework than only knowledge society would function and humanities (Human approach- when men are at the center of inquiry and inquiry must be human-centric) must be its hardcore. A society having equalitarian justice, the question of empowerment will not arise; this will create equal potency of freedom and capacity to respond. and can have healthy communication. It would be a dialoguing society, wherein negotiation will never seize.
A society without a Motivational crisis, the Rationality crisis and the Legitimacy crisis can become knowledge society provided they have a sharable life world, which would respect alternative ways of thinking and it would be communicative.
Virtues like empathy, compassion, etc must be at the center of the knowledge society. There should be the absence of dark emotions (sadness, suffering, anxiety, envy, boredom, loneliness, guilt, anger) in the knowledge society. Moreover, this entire phenomenon is not possible without nudging by the authority keeping libertarian paternalism and choice architecture.
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