Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Interreligious and Intercultural Studies


It gives me great pleasure to say a few words about this inaugural edition of the International Journal on Interreligious and Intercultural Studies (IJIIS). This journal came about after intense discussion between myself and colleagues at the Bali-based Universitas Hindu Indonesia (UNHI) as well as longtime associates in the Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) in Jakarta. It was agreed among us that Indonesia urgently needs an international journal that would highlight serious reflections and academic research work on interreligious and intercultural studies.
In this inaugural edition, nine rich and fascinating articles are published. They include authors from the United States of America, India, and Indonesia. Following the parameters of IJIIS, topics in this edition range broadly from issues such as human dignity, rituals, religious freedom, traditional games and Sufi Darghas in India.
Sofjan’s article highlights the foundational understanding of Pancasila as Indonesia’s state ideology, which turns to human dignity as the source of all good in society. Renowned Anthropologist and a longtime observer of Indonesian society Woodward of Arizona State University writes a stimulating piece on the apotheosis of Siti Khotijah in Balinese galactic polity. Risalaturrohmah’s piece looks at zikr, Islamic ritual of commemoration, in the Balinese context in its modified form. Yadnyawati’s article highlights the dying Balinese game of megala-galaan as a way to build character among children.
Meanwhile, Suastika and Puspawati analyzed the dialog between Pandawa and Wirata contained in the famous Balinese Kicaka Geguritan text. Joseph from India makes an overview of the comparison of the Constitutional design on religious freedom between Indonesia and India. Ardhana scrutinizes the feminine deities in Balinese society. Here, he specifically emphasizes the local genius, Indian influences and how they are worshipped. Santiago superbly sets out to study the religio-cultural identity assertions and what she called “spaces of generosity†in Sufi Darghas in Bangalore. Lastly, I Gusti Ayu Suasthi et. al. delves into the religious behavior of Balinese in Sukawati village based on the Tri Hata Karana.
In publishing IJIIS, I would like to personally thank to all contributors for their trust and confidence in the development of IJIIS. I sincerely hope that we could all gather in Bali someday for an international conference or workshop of some sort to layout the bright and wonderful prospect for this journal.

Dicky Sofjan
Executive Editor
Goggle Scholar
Scopus ID=6503908870

Creative Commons License

Published: 2018-10-03